Martin Danko Customer Success Manager

Martin Danko Customer Success Manager at Kentico Software

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Adding multiple carousels to the page

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
For this Example scenario, let's say you want to place multiple repeaters with carousel to render content from different paths with different properties.  In this scenario, all the carousels on the page will scroll when you scroll the desired carousel, so let me explain how you can change this behavior.

Media selection control and alternate text

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
By default the Media selection control contains an alternate text field, unfortunately the purpose of this field is to enter alternate text directly in combination with CKEditor in an Editable region.  Since this alternate text is stored in the CMS_Document table with the document's content, the text is rendered directly on the page and it cannot be used within transformations.

Allow users to delete their own blog comments

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
By default only a global administrator, blog author, and users with Manage comments permission are able to delete comments on Blog.  What if you would like to allow all users to be able to delete their own comments, but not anyone else's unless they have the manage comments permission?

Prevent the CMSPortalManager control from rendering JavaScript libraries

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
Kentico’s core jQuery libraries are loaded once a user is authenticated, since they are used by the CMS Desk.  In some cases, this may inadvertently break the functionality of your custom JS. The following is a workaround to prevent the CMSPortalManager control from rendering the default JavaScript libraries when a user is authenticated, but not when a user enters into the CMS desk.

How to allow exporting of reports to other users besides global administrators

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
Do you want to allow the exporting of reports to others users besides global administrators?  Unfortunately, it’s not about having the correct permissions.  In this case, the functionality is only available for the Global Administrator user by default.  It’s necessary to make some modifications to the code file below.

How to change a date picker (years) range?

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
There is a similar solution in the Kentico forums which will not work when using newer versions of Kentico CMS; this is because the Date Picker was changed from the default .NET, to a JavaScript file using the jQuery library.

How to hotfix setup files

Martin Danko    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

This article describes how to hotfix setup files when applying a hotfix via the Kentico Installation Manager (KIM).  These setup files include external utilities, like: ADImport, Import Toolkit, and the KIM utility itself.

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