Showing navigation buttons with the Attachment image gallery

You would expect this Gallery to work in a similar way as Lightbox Gallery, so you can simply open the image in the Lightbox pop-up, and then navigate through the images.  However, this is not the default behavior for the Attachment image gallery.
Navigation buttons are not shown because of the "wrong" usage of the rel parameter in the <a> tag of the Transformation.  If you use rel="lightbox" (by default) then you want to show only one image without navigation buttons.  If you want to navigate between images you have to use rel="lightboxgroup" - to make them groupped (group is an identifyer, and you can use any word you in it’s place).  So the fix is simple, just replace rel="lightbox" with rel="lightboxgroup" in the Transformation.

Applies to: Kentico 7.x
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Martin Danko

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