Allow users to delete their own blog comments

By default only a global administrator, blog author, and users with Manage comments permission are able to delete comments on Blog.  What if you would like to allow all users to be able to delete their own comments, but not anyone else's unless they have the manage comments permission?
For this purpose you will need to modify a control of the Blog Post Viewer module: \CMSModules\Blogs\Controls\BlogCommentView.ascx.cs

around line 594 replace the following line:

mBlogComment.ShowDeleteButton = (mBlogProperties.ShowDeleteButton && isUserAuthorized);

if (CurrentUser.UserID == bci.CommentUserID) mBlogComment.ShowDeleteButton = true; else mBlogComment.ShowDeleteButton = (mBlogProperties.ShowDeleteButton && isUserAuthorized);
and then modify the permissions check, around line 447 replace:

if (!isUserAuthorized) { AccessDenied("", "Manage"); }


if (!CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated()) { AccessDenied("", "Manage"); }


See also: Moderating Comments

Applies to: Kentico CMS 7.x
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Martin Danko

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