I have an OrderInfo object and need to get the Total discounts applied. I see one way of parsing the xml in OrderDiscounts. Is there a way to get the numeric total in main currency without parsin...
Hi there I need to what is the relationship between order and product to figure out how many product which sold? I've tried to use COM_SKU table but I cannot figure out which product how many has s...
Hello,I'm tyring to use the Integration Bus to send new orders to an external ERP system.My code looks like this:public class ErpConnector : BaseIntegrationConnector { public override void Init...
Hi there,I'm modifying our order notification to customer email template to include a custom field defined in our Order record. I tried {% Order.GetValue(columnname, @@) %} but it returns an empty ...
Hi There,I was able to add a new field in an Order detail but I'm unable to save data to it.Scenario: During the checkout process, @Review Order@, a customer needs to enter a Purchase Order Referen...
I need to create a custom email notification logic when order status in changed. I mean, not only email templates, but also a logic that will change recipients depends on Order fields. But I can't...
Hi team, My requirement is that I need to provide the customer order details in his account section a link called my order, for this thing to achieve you have mentioned there is integration package...
I'm trying to do this with code and I feel the API documentation is not helpful at all!https://docs.kentico.com/api9/e-commerce/product-options-and-variantsThis page is effectively useless. I've ad...
Hi,I'm trying to update the order status once the payment has been completed. I'm using a third party payment gateway so the user is redirected to the payment gateway and redirected back to kentico...