I'm using kentico v13.0.116 and in the page builder we've noticed an issue with the rich text editor widget's Code View. They strips out style code or script code and keeps only HTML-related code o...
Hi TeamI have an issue (using v13.0.116) with the CSS/script automatically removing from the Rich Text editor. when I add a script/CSS in the rich text editor they remove it automatically.I already...
Hello. We are interested in adding a custom script using JSON-LD and Schema.org to the head of our Kentico portal engine site pages (v11). We would like to use this to assist with our custom search...
Hello,I use SharpSpring for registration and application Forms. Here I have a form that is displayed externally on the basis of an embed code.Is there any way how to put in Kentico EMS? I tried th...
Hi, We are trying to log a Hubspot Tracking Code to our Kentico website, which needs to go before the tag of each page on the website. We do not have a master page setup, so I put this into the he...
Hi Guys, I have noticed a 404 error in the CMSdesk with missing GetResoure.ashx missing. Please could you advise ?
I would like to know where to put the 2 script files from this article to my web app folder
How can I place a script or CONTENT anywhere on the shopping on the last page @Step 6 of 6 - Payment@. No, I don't have access to the backed or configuration files, I'm not very advance in Kneitco....
How can convert the below code into ASCX? {%Documents[CMSContext.CurrentDocumentParent.NodeAliasPath].Children[Documents[CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath].NodeOrder - 2].NodeAliasPath#%}/Al...
We have a form for contact us using Kentico 8.1. When someone submits the form, on the resulting page we want to have display some Javascript for Google Adwords conversion. We are using a Kentico...