I'm using kentico v13.0.116 and in the page builder we've noticed an issue with the rich text editor widget's Code View. They strips out style code or script code and keeps only HTML-related code o...
Hello,I am trying to create a form component which renders a markup entered by the user in the form component's properties. In my web app solution, i've installed the Kentico.EMS12.MvcComponents.Wi...
Before in Kentico's older version, we were able to put CSS style code or js code along with the HTML code in the rich text code body but now it strips out style code or script code and keeps only H...
I need to add inline editor in page builder for custom widgets and custom section. I have the same code for both views:For widgets it works fine, but not for section.
I'm getting a strange error on one of our RTF fields but not the one above it. When I try and enter a link in the field I get @Your UI profile is not granted with permission to access this section....