Miro Remias

Miro Remias Kentico Software

Hi, I am a Product Management Team Lead here at Kentico. My missions i to lead, advise and empower our Product Management team in seeking the product-market fit.

Miro ranks #729 in the community leaderboard with total of 0 reputation points.

  • Member since June 2008

Developer Certification Exam Updated for Kentico 10

Miro Remias    —       —    Article

We're happy to announce another step forward in our certification process. The Kentico Certified Developer exam has been retooled to better suit the Kentico development environment and has been updated for Kentico 10.

Introducing Kentico Advantage

Miro Remias    —       —    Featured Article

If you have ever been involved in developing a web site project, you know how important it is to focus on the crucial pieces that make the project successful. You wish for every advantage you can find that will help you build high quality projects on time, with fewer resources, and within budget. However, you prefer not to learn this the hard way. We want to help, so we are introducing Kentico Advantage to help you identify best practices and pitfalls through every stage of your project.

Real World Examples - Part II

Miro Remias    —       —    Video Article
Have you ever tried to measure how much time per year you spend waiting for your favorite web site to load? What if there is a better way of doing things in order to save other people time resulting in more satisfied web site visitors?

There is no doubt that the web site performance is very important aspect to address, but did you know that even a simple redirect could sometime introduce a performance issue? Are you sure that you want to serve your page resources from the web server(s) without implementing CDN? How about implementing cookie-less domain for your static page resources?

Miro, our Sr. Solution Architect, will give you an idea what are the available options you can use to cover the questions above.

Serving less HTML code starting from .NET 4.0 with ClientIDMode property

Miro Remias    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
One of the best practices in general from performance perspective is to transfer as little data between a client and a server as possible. When it comes to web sites, we need to ensure that the final HTML code is clean and we are not transferring any extra information which is not utilized by the client’s browser at all (e.g. comments in HTML code, unnecessary long control IDs etc.). This article will help you to end up with both cleaner HTML code and optimized performance.

Real World Examples - Part I

Miro Remias    —       —    Video Article
We are starting new series of webinars focused on using Kentico CMS/EMS in various projects. The idea is to consider different options on how to achieve the same functionality while choosing the right solution and considering all possible factors including performance, usability, maintainability and many others. In this webinar Miro walks you through two sample scenarios considering Training program and jQuery Repeater.

Gift Card Product Type

Miro Remias    —       —    Knowledge Base Article
As you probably know, there is currently no built-in product type for selling gift cards or vouchers. This article provides you with an implementation of 'Gift Card' product type in Kentico 7 and the option to apply multiple discount coupons to a single order.

Integration Bus

Miro Remias    —       —    Video Article
Have you been asked to integrate your Kentico website with third party systems like CRMs or ERPs? If so, join us and learn how you could approach such implementation.
In this webinar, we will take a look on the idea behind the Integration bus module, deep dive into its API support, options, pros and finally, Miro will walk you through a sample integration.

Development In Kentico 7

Miro Remias    —       —    Video Article
Can we deliver advanced, bullet-proof websites more efficiently? In this webinar, Miro (Solution Architect) takes a look at a team development environment setup, development features and best practices for various types of customization options from the developer’s perspective.

Smart Search in Kentico CMS 6

Miro Remias    —       —    Video Article
Index-based searching results in significantly better performance compared to linear SQL query search, but can we control what exactly is a part of the index file and how the content is processed? In this webinar Miro is talking about new smart search options in Kentico CMS 6. He is covering developing a custom index and a custom analyzer.

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