What is the correct approach to databind a unigrid to a custom data list and use inlineEditingTextBox?I'm binding the data if not postback then in OnExternalDatabound adding my inlineEditingTextBox...
I'm working through the CustomUniGridTransformationModule example and it says place in a Class library and add nuget package Kentico.Xperience.Libraries, but it requires CMS.UIControls for UniGridT...
Hello people,I'm trying to create a unigrid with external datasource(generated from the code) in custom module, but I'm getting the following error:[AbstractUserControl.ShowMessage]: Page is not 'C...
HelloFor one of our customers, I had to expend the existing Order overview application with some extra columns. These columns use the ExternalSourceName field for the transformations to display a f...
I have a unigrid with 3 columns actions,name,id. Actions is an icon column, by clicking on icon I am able to get id of particular row. Now I want unigrid row selectable by click. I tried grid optio...
I have a custom dataset(results of a api converted to dataset). I was able to display them as datasource for Unigrid but now I want to implement Uniselector to display it and select a single value....
I have a custom table that contains orderitemID. I want to make this field link to the order detail/order invoice in the UniGrid defined in XML. How can I do that? thanks
https://devnet.kentico.com/articles/module-development-ui-extenders I followed above link. I updated object type and Binding object type to the same class in properties.Created xml like in above li...
I am using kentico 12. I have a unigrid(object list).Upon cliking on edit on a row,I will show a General tab(1st vertical tab) which has UIForm then in the next vertical tab I have a button. When I...
Hi, I tried to update the products data using csv file, I am binding my csv file to unigrid using dataset and i need to get the data from the unigrid to update the data on button click, so i create...