I followed above link. I updated object type and Binding object type to the same class in properties.Created xml like in above li...
I am using kentico 12. I have a unigrid(object list).Upon cliking on edit on a row,I will show a General tab(1st vertical tab) which has UIForm then in the next vertical tab I have a button. When I...
I have a field in my web part and its form control I have set to uni selector. I am using that field to retrieve the values that uni selector is returning. Is this a correct way to get uni select...
Hi! I am using a uniselecter for select multiple documents.@cms:UniSelector ObjectType=@cms.document@ SelectionMode=@MultipleTextBox@ OrderBy=@@ runat=@server@ ID=@usSelectPages@ ShortID=@@ Allow...
Hi! I need to list pages (cms.menuItem type) and need to select multiple pages from that list. to that if i use uniselector what are the parameter for object type? (becaue if i set the object type...