I sync across five landscapes.The last few times I have synchronized tasks under certain pages I get a timeout error that reads:Caused exception: Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elap...
I know Kentico not supported the Kentico 8.2 version anymore but if any other Kentico community members facing the same issue, I would want your help. The attached is the image on time out error. B...
Hi,We have a custom module with two classes. A parent class and a child class (1-n).Syncronisation of the parent type works as expected.When we try and syncronise content of the child type from a s...
Hi,I have source and target server. I am able to synchronize pages and media libraries, so source and target have same set of images. Also EditableText is getting synchronize with target server but...
Using Kentico v9We have redesigned our site and are trying to export specific content from the old site to the new one. They are on the same version of Kentico. I could not figure out how to expo...
Hello all,I am trying to sync a page between two environments and am getting the following error. Any ideas why?SyncServer.ServerError: [SyncServer.ProcessSyncTask]: Site not running.My environment...
Hi,Encountered the error message as below when perform synchronize item to Production stage:-Dependent task @Update document banner@ failed : Synchronization server error : Exception occured: The p...
Hi, I'm trying to get our Kentico server set up / work flow working. ( local dev + Visual Studio -@ dev instance for QA -@ stage instance for client content editing -@ prod instance )I'm currently ...
Hi,I am getting the following error when attempting to sync changes using the staging module functionality. Any guidance as to why this is happening would be much appreciated. Checking the server s...