David Komárek

David Komárek Lead Product Manager at Kentico Software

As the Lead Product Manager, I am eager to get every feedback there is, especially related to digital marketing, content authoring, automation, and AI.

David ranks #68 in the community leaderboard with total of 80 reputation points.

Kentico 10 - Generating Leads and Selling Products in MVC

David Komárek    —       —    Featured Article

Since the fresh start for MVC in Kentico 9, we have received great feedback on what should be the next scenarios our partners would like to implement in their MVC projects. By far, the possibility to manage online stores and run marketing campaigns surpassed other areas and I am, therefore, glad to let you know that these wishes just came true!

A Fresh Start for MVC in Kentico 9

David Komárek    —       —    Article

The MVC architectural pattern has been around for over 35 years, having been first formulated by Trygve Reenskaug in 1979. It is becoming more and more popular in the world of ASP.NET, as well as Kentico CMS. Based on the feedback we have been receiving since MVC 2 and Kentico 5.5  were released, we have introduced a completely redesigned way to integrate your MVC applications with Kentico 9. From an architectural perspective, it is the cleanest and most straightforward support for MVC ever built in Kentico. It is Open Source and based on the best practises MVC developers are used to.

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