While using google recaptcha in kentico 9 I am getting the below error in event log. But there is no such file in the the path given. In another server the captcha is sometimes working sometimes no...
I'm wondering how to implement the@cms:RecaptchaControl ID=@NewReCaptcha@ runat=@server@ PrivateKey=@[my key here]@ PublicKey=@[my key here]@/@ inside an ascx file? I've got that in one and when I...
Hi Kentico Teams, I implement Google reCaptcha on form builder. when I set as per Kentico documentation, the result was all good but when I test and submit the form, Google reCaptcha give response ...
Hi I need to implement ReCaptcha v3 in Kentico Forms Application (v11 Portal). Has anyone created a form control for this?Thanks Louise
I've been successful in setting up a custom form in my views utilizing some built-in Kentico HTML Helpers. Been using @Html.TextAreaFor(), @Html.CheckboxFor(), etc. All data is being passed through...
how do I change the recaptcha error message @The response parameter is missing@ that shows if the box is not checked? doesn't seem to work in the form controls.
Hello Support i create a form contact us and with reCaptcha Field i generate the site key ans secret key but i still get this error i use kentico 11 Image
I am applying Recaptcha in kentico 12 by following https://docs.kentico.com/k10/securing-websites/designing-secure-websites/securing-and-protecting-the-system/spam-protection-captcha It's working ...
Hi, I tried to add logic captcha in the contact page, where I have followed the following steps, 1. Added new field (Data type: text). 2. Form Control (Logic Captcha). 3. Requires yes and i click s...
I am receiving n RECAPTCHA error that says @An internal error occurred: 562EAF959AB90.A6B6512.3F0765A9@I am also getting a console js error @Uncaught ReferenceError: Recaptcha is not defined@ wh...