Hello Guys, I have created a kentico13 form and added the form to my page but the form HTML getting a hidden class with a few labels (for input box) of form fields and a few labels (for checkbox, d...
I have create form builder section for my kentico 13 application I have used the code like below@div class=@row@@ @div class=@col-md-4 col-sm-12 col-xs-12@@ @await Html.Kentico().FormZo...
there's the way to customize displayed fields at pages (mode view listing)? like customize displayed fields at custom table. link text
Hi, I would like to add a button field to a PageType to perform some custom logic when clicked by a CMS user. I couldn't find an existing control for this purpose so wondered if it was possible and...
Hello again!I'm currently fleshing out a @Profile@ Page Type that will be used to display various biographical information for people. Part of this includes a distinction between @Faculty@, @Stude...
Is there a specific Form Control or way to implement a Page Type Field to allow that field to have multiple of the same input? I'm using Kentico 12 portal engine.An example use case would be a @De...
I would like to write an if statement that will execute some code only if two fields are empty. My users can upload two images via two separate direct upload fields. The field names are Image01 and...
we have created a custom module and a class under it which has 10 fields, we need to validate if value of 3 of the fields are unique while inserting. if its a duplicate then it should throw a messa...
Hi all,I'd like to get a field out of a tree node. The TreeNode.GetValue (as well as the TreeNode.TryGetValue) does not work. The kentico version is 12sp which is 12.0.32.Here are the details.I hav...
Hello, I need to send out some newsletters including a form to ask people receiving it to confirm they are ok with GDPR. I'd like this form is automatically fullfilled with informations from the da...