Form Fields getting with hidden class

Vishal Bhatt asked on August 26, 2024 12:32

Hello Guys, I have created a kentico13 form and added the form to my page but the form HTML getting a hidden class with a few labels (for input box) of form fields and a few labels (for checkbox, dropdown) are getting twice in HTML. I am using bootstrap so hidden class labels are not visible.

Is there any specific setting for this where we can change the behavior of this.

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on August 28, 2024 16:30

Do you have conditional visibility set on the form fields?

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Vishal Bhatt answered on August 29, 2024 09:58

No, we have not added any conditional visibility for form fields. Also, I am not getting the fields in the email notification tab while configuring the Email notification with custom layout.

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