Results for tag feature
  • Can't enable url feature for page type
    Petro Solomchak    —       —    Question

    The url feature checkbox is inactive

  • Kentico 9 - other features you may not know about
    Ilesh Mistry    —       —    Article

    This post talks about some of the smaller features that were released in Kentico version 9. They will compliment the major feature posts people in the Kentico community have already been talking about.

    Kentico released Kentico version 9 in November 2015, if you were not aware of this, where have you been? :)

  • Five Things Developers Should Be Excited About in Kentico 9
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    With the release of Kentico 9 only a few days away, there’s no shortage of excitement in the community about the new features coming to the platform. The latest version will include some exciting functionality for developers and designers that will make creating your sites and applications even easier. In this blog, I’ll cover the top five things you should be excited about in Kentico 9.

  • Poll: What features of Kentico 9 are you looking forward to the most?
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Kentico 9 is going to bring some exciting functionality to developers. Whether you are a back-end module developer or a front-end designer, Version 9 will have something in store for everyone. So, what features are you looking forward to the most?

  • Kentico E-Commerce features Intergartion in blank site with custom templates
    Prashant Verma    —       —    Question

    Hello, I need to configure the e-commerce fetaure in my blank site . I dont want to use the existing e-commerce template . Is there an solution for me to create the blank empty site with custom te...

  • An overview of Kentico 8 features
    Martin Hejtmanek    —       —    Article

    Kentico 8 has now officially been released, and It is my pleasure to introduce you all to the great new features that it brings. Lots of feedback was incorporated, the whole UI was redesigned to provide better user experience, and the overall architecture behind the platform was heavily improved as well. Learn more in this article...

  • Learning Management Solutions using Kentico – the CPD Academy
    Thomas Robbins    —       —    Video Article

    In this webinar we will look at how the Kentico platform can provide a powerful learning management tool with the CPD Academy. CPD Academy is an integrated set of tools that delivers a powerful learning management system (LMS). In the webinar we will look at the features of the product, discuss the technical aspects of its production and look at the commercial opportunities that it presents to the Kentico Partner community. The event is a must for all those who seek to make more of their Kentico knowledge and who take a proactive approach in sharing new opportunities with their Kentico clients.

  • Deep Dive - Smart Search
    Thomas Robbins    —       —    Video Article

    *** Secretly Recorded at Kentico Connections 2012 – Prague ****

    Smart search is one of the most widely used modules of Kentico CMS. Version 7 extends this module to include simplified development, faceted search, textbox filter types, search results extensions to name just a few. Join this session to take a deep dive on the Smart Search module.

  • Kentico Feature Series: Advanced workflow
    Thomas Robbins    —       —    Video Article

    With Kentico CMS 7 advanced workflow is available as part of the Enterprise marketing solution and is designed to provide enhanced features for the creation of workflows.  Any site that has several editors usually needs the ability to approve content before publication. The advanced workflow module with features like branching based on macro conditions, user choices, automated actions and timed actions brings more advanced features to websites.

  • Kentico Feature Series: MVT Testing
    Thomas Robbins    —       —    Video Article

    Multivariate (MVT) testing is the process of market testing multiple variables at one time. In simple terms, it can be thought of as numerous A/B tests performed on one page at the same time. A/B tests are usually performed to determine the better of two page variations, while MVT testing is used to determine the better of two content variations on a page. In this video we look at how to create an MVT test with Kentico CMS 7.