Hello,I have a report metric that tracks when users first logged into a course, their last login, and when they completed the course. Using Excel, I can sort this data to see who has done what, wit...
Clicking @Import Contacts@ button in the Contact Management module is too much slow, taking approx 30 Second to load.In the Contact Module in the @OM_Contact@ table, we have 155055 records, size of...
I am trying to figure a way to send birthday greetings on someone's 18th birthday through Kentico 11. I am trying to use contact groups, but I don't see a way to identify birthdays through the cont...
Hey all, I'm trying to import 400,000 contacts from a previous Kentico install into our new MVC site. I've tried the Import Toolkit but it's terribly slow. I need to save Identities so that we don'...
I have created a Contact group with the following condition:memberships = Contact.Users.FirstItem.OtherBindings.MembershipUsers; if (Contact.Users.FirstItem != null @@ Contact.Users.FirstItem.Other...
Hi Team, I am trying to set a discount price for particular users present in a contact group x. Is there any possible macro i can use. thanks.
Is there a way to bulk add contacts to a contact group? Adding one at a time is rather tedious if you have several thousand contacts to add.
In my project I have Created a new Page type for news, which I eventually need to send an email to users only with the new items depends on the @Frequency@.I have created a new field in the users (...
Greetings,Is it possible to create a macro expression that gets the list of contact emails from a specific Contact Group? Then use that list of emails for the Recipient field in the Email Notificat...
I have created a form in the form application. I have created a contact group @Contact Group Affiliates@. In the contact group i want the user details who has submitted the form. i am using a dynam...