Lukáš Gancarčík

Lukáš Gancarčík Kentico Software

Senior Support Specialist - Content Management

Lukáš ranks #78 in the community leaderboard with total of 35 reputation points.

  • Member since February 2015

How to Fix Links Inserted via a WYSIWIG Editor in Kentico 12

Lukáš Gancarčík    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

When using a Rich text editor form control for your page type fields, it is possible to add links to other content-only pages using the Insert/Edit link option of the WYSIWYG editor. After you move your site to a different environment, these links will break unless you apply our hotfix package.

Multilingual support for MVC sites

Lukáš Gancarčík    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

Currently, Kentico MVC sites unfortunately do not have a working culture context. The only thing we provide is a solution in our Dancing Goat sample site that sets the thread culture based on the route data via MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler. For general MVC projects that do not handle this, the thread culture just falls back to the user's environment/system culture. So what are the best practices for handling multilingual support in MVC sites?

MVC setup in Kentico

Lukáš Gancarčík    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

Usually, even a seemingly unrelated problem can be caused by a wrong or incomplete setup of MVC and Kentico applications. Therefore, in this article you will find a list of settings, which we recommend to check before submitting a ticket to Kentico Support.

How to handle custom 404 pages programmatically

Lukáš Gancarčík    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

Kentico provides the possibility to configure the system to display custom pages instead of standard error messages. Custom pages are convenient for site visitors because they can improve the security of the site by hiding potentially sensitive internal data (such as code in stack traces).

The <customErrors> element under the <system.web> section of the web.config file handles this functionality. However, what if you need to handle custom 404 pages within the code?

Google Maps - API key

Lukáš Gancarčík    —       —    Knowledge Base Article

Google changed their Google Maps APIs on June 22, 2016, and some of the changes affect Kentico, as well. Specifically, one of the changes is that they no longer support keyless access (any request that doesn't include an API key).

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