Results for tag kentico draft
  • Building an MVC Site with Kentico Cloud – Part 3
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    In the previous blogs in this series, I showed you how to create a .NET Core MVC site and add content from Kentico Draft. I then showed you how to expand on the content types, nest modular content, and leverage the Deliver API to display multiple types of data. In this final post, I’ll show you how to easily add Kentico Engage to your site for activity tracking, add a contact form, and deploy the application to Azure Web Apps.

  • Building an MVC site with Kentico Cloud – Part 2
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    In Part 1 of this blog series, I showed you how to create content types in Kentico Draft, add content via the tool, and display it within an MVC site using Kentico Deliver. Part 2 will include expanding on the content types, adding more dynamic content, and updating the site to display the new data. It’s a good bit of code, but a simple process to get your site running with Kentico Cloud.

  • Building an MVC site with Kentico Cloud – Part 1
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Kentico Cloud is a new headless CMS platform that you can use to build your applications. By leveraging an Azure-hosted content repository and APIs, you are free to develop nearly any application you want and populate it with your managed content in Kentico Draft. In this blog series, I’ll show you how I migrated my own site to MVC and Azure, while leveraging Kentico Cloud for my content and activity tracking.

  • How Kentico Draft Benefits Developers
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Every digital agency faces challenges when developing websites for their clients. The ultimate goal is to bring in the project on time, which requires collaboration between marketing, content, and development teams on both sides of the table. Kentico Draft brings everyone together to collect content early in the web development process, helping avoid delays that postpone the project. In this article, I’ll take a look at how Kentico Draft benefits developers by helping them produce websites faster, minimize delays, and limit dependencies on content contributors.

  • Technical Webinar: Kentico Draft for Developers
    Bryan Soltis    —       —    Article

    Kentico Draft is a powerful, cloud-based service that can simplify content creation and collection. Using a powerful API behind the scenes, Draft allows content to be entered and maintained in a single location by multiple contributors. The Kentico Draft team has released a free module, to help developers working with the tool, to allow content to flow seamlessly into your Kentico applications.

  • Much Has Changed in the World of Draft
    Brano Sandala    —       —    Article

    In the six months since Kentico Draft started streamlining its users’ web content production projects, it has evolved drastically.

  • Streamline Your Content Creation with New Kentico Draft
    Brano Sandala    —       —    Article

    Kentico is proud to announce its new cloud-based solution — Kentico Draft — to speed up your content production and end the pain of web project delays.