Hi, we have an inline widget for creating buttons which is quite often used in the content area of other widgets. The content of the widget is translated except the button. If I create the button a...
Just a general question, can you use inline widgets (that can be added through the standard Kentico WYSIWYG editor) in the MVC dev model? A site i'm working on is Kentico 12 MVC, but we want to bui...
Widget properties failed to load when I double click on it to edit it. It shows nothing but a white screen without any error shown. The widget itself works fine in RTE, just that the Properties can...
How can we resolve an inline widget in webpart container?http://prntscr.com/klxr42I was using {%Content%} or {%Content|(recursive)true%}but did not workinghttp://prntscr.com/klxob8It working good i...
I’m using Kentico v9.0 and have noticed that when I created a widget of the editable text web part - if I add that widget inline to a page via the form tab and then add content to that widget and s...
I'm adding an inline widget through api like this:var html= $@@object codetype=\@CMSInlineControl\@ style=\@display: none\@ type=\@widget\@@@param name=\@closeformtext\@ value=\@{closeform}\@ /@@pa...
HiWhen you add a widget via the CK Editor a cog icon gets displayed in the editor. Is there any way of rendering the html of the widget in the editor instead?Or failing that is there a way of rende...
Hi,I have a CMSUniView that I use to render a navigation menu.However, I'm struggling to resolve inline widgets for same. I followed the documentation on how to dynamically resolve controls but as ...
Hi all,I tried to insert a widget using editor in kentico 9 website by following this link but no lucky. It returned the widget data without rendering like below one:@^widget|(container)MySite.TwoS...
does anyone know or can point me in the direction of a guide for adding functionality to the RTE so i can wrap some highlighted text with my own html elements, or how i can use an inline widget to ...