There are a number of tags in the header that I cannot find the source for. I searched a database dump and found the head content in the CMS_Tree table NodeID=1, NodeHeadTags column. How do I fin...
How can I remove this tag link css to type end of head. I'm using a custom css added to physical folder in the server. I need help because when valide the site in PageSpeed Insights the result of...
What's the best practice to add a script to just ONE page?I know I can create an ad-hoc template and then add a HTML head webpart, or write some .NET code in the header, but I was hoping for a more...
In order to override browser-side compatibility view mode in IE, the following meta tag is needed. It must also be the very first element inside the head element (ignore the comment syntax)@head@ @...
My company's marketing department just noticed some style glitches on our site, and it's coming from a tag that Kentico 8 is automatically adding to @head@:@link href=@/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?st...
I'm working on a new master page, and I noticed some unwelcome meta tags being inserted into the ltlTags literal:@meta http-equiv=@content-type@ content=@text/html; charset=UTF-8@ /@ @meta http-equ...