I'm wondering how to get documents of a certain type where one of their child nodes contains a value.Example tree: Folder (CMS.Folder) │ └───Accommodation 1 (custom.Accommodation) │ │ Addre...
Dear Sirs, In our current project (Kentico 12.0.51 MVC) we have decided to use the MultiDocumentQuery and the un-typed version of DocumentQuery, so all our document queries return either a TreeNode...
Dear All, In our current project (Kentico 12SP MVC), the development host name of our portal is dev.portal.com and the equivalent host name of the Kentico Admin Web Application is dev-cms.portal.co...
Dear Sirs,In our current project (Kentico 12SP MVC). we have a list of article pages that are child nodes of a parent container page. In the MVC application, when a user reaches the container page,...
Hi All, I have a Content-only Page type with a @Pages@ data type field that links pages of different custom types from the parent document.My intention is to loop through the Related documents as T...
Hi All,I am new to Kentico and I keep running into the same issue and I have yet to get a clear idea or answer on what is the best practice way to do what seems to me would be a very common task in...
Hi All,My project is version 12.xx (latest) and MVC. I am attempting to dynamically build submenus for pages with childpages/nodes. I am using the modelprovider-@model-@repository model to make str...
We have a stored value on a web part which is a PIPE separated list of NodeGUIDs, which also indicate the custom sort order of the selected items.How would we use the stored value to retrieve the l...
Hi,I have a custom page type, with a categories field type and categories selected.In the CMS i see that the @test@ category has multiple pages assigned to it.i would like to get a list of document...
Individually these two queries return the right set of data. When I do a union, all of the pages in the site are returned, not just the queried document type, path selected, @ where cond. anybody h...