MultiDocumentQuery Union

Laura Frese asked on March 25, 2017 21:02

Individually these two queries return the right set of data. When I do a union, all of the pages in the site are returned, not just the queried document type, path selected, & where cond. anybody have any insight on this?

        var pages = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments()
            .Where("Keyword In ('key1','key2')")
            .Path(CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath, PathTypeEnum.Children)
                    .Where("Keyword = 'standard'")
                    .Path(CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath, PathTypeEnum.Children)

Recent Answers

Anton Grekhovodov answered on March 26, 2017 12:47

Hi Laura,
It's not clear for me, why you use Union query here (to order items?), because the queries are absolutely the same and you can group your where conditions

        .WhereIn("Keyword", new[] { "key1", "key2", "standard" })
        .Path(CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath, PathTypeEnum.Children)

It will be the same as yours code. Also you can add .Distinct(); to avoid duplicates.

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Laura Frese answered on March 27, 2017 08:02

Thank you Anton. Yes I needed the non standard items to be first in the list

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Anton Grekhovodov answered on March 27, 2017 08:38

But if you add OrderBy("Keyword") to your query, it will be correct sorting, because rows with 'key1' or 'key2' will be earlier in result than rows with 'standard' key.

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Laura Frese answered on March 27, 2017 19:13

Unless one of the keywords start with a letter > s

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Anton Grekhovodov answered on March 28, 2017 06:40

Of course) I've checked your query with Union and it doesn't work for me too (Kentico 8.2, Kentico 9)
So to solve it you can:
1)Add the following order by .OrderBy("case when Keyword In ('key1', 'key2') then 0 else 1 end") to my expression above
2) Use linq to reorder result items

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Pritam Gupta answered on August 17, 2017 17:28 (last edited on August 17, 2017 17:39)

Hi, Currently i am using kentcio 9 and i making a custom API and I want union of two page type and in it i also want pagination. When i put pagination in query so i am getting error. So can you please suggest me the better way to resolve this issue.below is my code.

        DocumentQuery dqVideo = getVideoQuery(astroid).WhereEquals("vf.astroid", astroid);
        DocumentQuery dqArticle = getArticleQuery(astroid).WhereEquals("af.astroid", astroid);

        DocumentQuery resultQuery= dqVideo.Union(dqArticle);
        DataTable dt=               
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