I am trying to make a page that has many blogs that users can select to go to that respective blog post. I want to only load 6 blogs and create a pagination on the bottom of the page so that it doe...
Is there any documentation on how to create something in the cms like the way blog posts and months worked in earlier versions of kentico?
I notice that the Blogs application no longer exists in Kentico 13, what the intended approach for creating one? I understand some of the features are there like categories etc.. but what about com...
Hello. I created a standard Kentico blog on a site I'm working on, and on the form for adding comments I have a name, email, url and comments fields, together with a captcha. Do you know where I ca...
Hello,It is possible to manage the blogs independently on another server with kentico and make references to them in an instance of the cms on another server.
Hello. I have a blog that has a tag cloud web part. My blog is also in different languages, English, Chinees, Korean etc. The issue I'm having is that if I remove a tag from a blog post in English....
I am using a transformer to get a list of recent posts. I want to filter these posts by a category ID value that I can get from the route parameters.@h4@@a href=@@%# GetDocumentUrl() %@@@@%# Eval(@...
Cay you please let me know... Is there any limitation for blog functionality with free license... like we can just create 1000 pages with it.
I'm trying to delete a blog and I can't do this, I've got the message: Failed to delete the page: [DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: Proc_CMS_Document_RemoveBlogPostDependencies Caused exception:...
Hello Kentico, i'm having trouble with the navbar. I create a blog page but it doesn't appear in the navbar.So ¿how do i iclude my blog page in the main navigation bar?Here the images that show my ...