• Nominate your web projects for these contests and get a discount from the next purchased license !
    Article Nov 24, 2010
    Get recognition for your work and get more publicity -  Enter your website for these awards.   

  • How can I can on-site search terms in Kentico 10 (base license)?
    Question Aug 5, 2020
    The Smart Search Dialog is being used for search text input. I did see there is a report in the Reporting app that shows on-site search terms. I enable analytics and tracking in the Settings app and tried testing searches, but nothing was populated in the report. `General >...

  • Changing primary domain
    Question May 7, 2024
    I need to change the primary domain for a site running on Portal Engine V12SP. Will I need to archive the existing Main License and create a new Main License with the new domain name. Or can I create a Domain Alias license but use that domain as the primary?

  • Failed to load dialog parameters (v12.0.103) Portal Engine
    Question Apr 16, 2024
    Our site in running on Kentico V12 (v12.0.103)Portal engine. We seem to have an issue in the CMS that is preventing us from using any dialog that is opened. It appears to be CMS-wide, so dialogs for adding properties on Web Parts, Selecting allowed types, etc. This is th...

  • What version is PRODUCT:CX22? (local host key)
    Question Jul 12, 2023
    What version is PRODUCT:CX2? I am trying to use the the localhost license key from the client portal but I am getting an error for version 13. I need to know which version will work for the key to be valid. Thank you

  • How to Upgrade Underscore JavaScript library without causing malfunctioning of the CMS
    Question Mar 22, 2024
    How to upgrade Underscore JavaScript library without causing malfunctioning of the CMS

  • duplicate instance for admin site
    Question Jun 18, 2024
    We use Azure as web service. Yesterday we have a lot request from third part website. Then Azure automatically added CPU instances for our admin site. In that time, admin site didn't work for our customer. So we want to check if duplicate instance for admin site is allowed. Al...

  • Unable to access A/B testing in Kentico 13
    Question Jun 28, 2023
    Hi, I’m looking to evaluate the AB testing in Kentico 13, I’ve checked the enable online marketing and A/B tests. I’ve added the code to the startup. I have Ultimate license on my dev admin and base on my client site. But I’m not seeing the A/B button on the pages applicati...

  • Free Edition?
    Question Jan 11, 2023
    Hi, There used to be a limited functionality free edition, but its now 404: https://www.kentico.com/freecms.aspx Is it still available?

  • Missing Sharepoint Connections menu item
    Question Nov 15, 2022
    We are wanting to test out connecting our intranet to Sharepoint, but on a fresh install of 8.2, we're missing the Sharepoint Connections menu item. I've verified that the Sharepoint module is assigned to the site and I even installed the Sharepoint SDK on the server. We are ...

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