• Logfiles for CMS.EmailEngine.ThreadSender?
    Question May 4, 2020
    Are there any log files for the CMS.EmailEngine.ThreadSender process? It doesn't appear to log to the Kentico event log, and I can't find it anywhere else.

  • RE:Azure SQL Connection Error
    Forum Post Jan 9, 2012
    Hello, we are solving the issue by e-mail. For other visitors: You can use the query below on your current database to determine the current version of your database: SELECT KeyName, KeyValue FROM CMS_SettingsKey where KeyName = 'CMSDBVersion' It can also happen ...

  • RE:Webfarm errors in Azure
    Forum Post Jan 13, 2012
    Hi, This information is missing in the deployment guide but it will be added soon. If you will check the Site Manager -> Administration -> Web farms, the web farm servers should be created automatically. You need to generate and add license keys for their domain names to...

  • RE:Windows Azure deployment slow
    Forum Post Apr 12, 2012
    Hi again, I tried to reproduce the above again, followed the exact same steps that I took (except I give another folder name inside the inetpub\wwwroot\ via the WebInstaller.exe) which produce the successful packaging, however, I am unable to; and ended up with the same err...

  • RE:Windows Azure deployment slow
    Forum Post Apr 12, 2012
    Hi, If you are able to run it in the emulator - everything should be configured correctly. The end point parameters are not mandatory for live environment - they are being set automatically and also, this should not have any affect whether it is built ok or not. Right now, ...

  • RE:How to upgrade Kentico for use with newest Azure SDK
    Forum Post Jul 14, 2012
    Hi, Kentico runs well with SDK 1.6 (from november 2011). You can download it here: SDK 1.6 Then you can run a default installation using: Best regards, Ivana Tomanickova

  • RE:Error when deploying to Azure (Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException)
    Forum Post Aug 1, 2012
    I was actually able to get this to deploy. I deployed from Visual Studio and the setting that seemed to do the trick was setting the build configuration to Debug. All there error about missing files dissappeared too. I haven't been able to determine if there are any performanc...

  • Deployment takes over an hour
    Forum Post Aug 7, 2012
    I'm working on a Kentico 6 Azure project and any kind of deployment seems to take 60-90 minutes. Is this normal? Is there any way to cut down time? I have tried the "Publish" and "Package" actions in Visual Studio and exporting the site in Kentico. Each method takes agonizingl...

  • RE:Javascript insertion issues
    Forum Post Nov 17, 2012
    Hello, We are experiencing the exact same issue as the original poster. Some of the script blocks are being rendered empty like: <script type="text/javascript"></script> I don't know if this makes a difference in your test but this is a Azure project that was upgraded fr...

  • RE:Javascript insertion issues
    Forum Post Nov 22, 2012
    Hi JJ, I've tried this also on v7 Azure project and everything is working fine. Maybe this could be caused by some upgrade changes. But unfortunately I still haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour. Murphy... was your site also upgraded from previous version? Be...

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