• Best Practice for Small Shared Content or Components?
    Question May 9, 2017
    When designing Kentico websites, I frequently encounter situations where I need to have different templates on a page, but have the pages share a common header or other content which can't be done through normal hierarchy / inheritance means. Does anyone have any best practic...

  • Custom Middle-ware API(C#) to get forums based on different field parameters.
    Question Feb 7, 2018
    Hello, I need to create Custom api which provides the forums/posts/groups based on different parameters. I googled but didn't find any relevant post about it. According to the following link [https://docs.kentico.com/api10/social-and-community/forums](https://docs.kentico.co...

  • How to add variant as a smart search filter in kentico
    Question Nov 17, 2018
    Hi Is there any possible to add variant as a smart search filter using web part or i should create a custom code to create a variant search filter with local index (with out azure).

  • Web Parts added to page disappear randomly, and Object Does Not Exist error.
    Question Jan 28, 2019
    Hello, We have been troubleshooting issues when adding web parts (widgets) to a page, the changes are not always sticking. Intermittently, the webparts will just disappear and there appears to be no version history to restore them from. A secondary issue using the same repro ...

  • Using Portal Engine Inline Widgets in the MVC development model
    Question Apr 22, 2019
    Just a general question, can you use inline widgets (that can be added through the standard Kentico WYSIWYG editor) in the MVC dev model? A site i'm working on is Kentico 12 MVC, but we want to build some inline widgets for use in the WYSIWYG editors in the CONTENT tab, not on...

  • Let editor select form in page type
    Question Jun 27, 2017
    Hello Kentico guru's, For a project i'm working on, i'm trying to create a Page type in which the editor can select a form (which has been created with the forms application). I have the feeling that i am really close to achieving what i want, but the last bit is not working....

  • Online forms cascading dropdowns
    Question Nov 6, 2017
    Hi, I have 2 dropdown list fields on my online form, lets call them ddl A and ddl B. Ddl B's value should depend on the selected option of Ddl A. I've tried creating a custom form control, but what I realize is that when I use that form control on one of the fields, it will h...

  • Query without specifying columns returns wrong absolute url
    Question Mar 17, 2020
    Dear All, In our current project (Kentico 12SP MVC), the development host name of our portal is dev.portal.com and the equivalent host name of the Kentico Admin Web Application is dev-cms.portal.com. When we execute any type of query (DocumentQuery or MultiDocumentQuery) an...

  • Google reCAPTCHA in a BizForm : tutorial
    Forum Post Nov 10, 2010
    Hello, Here is a tutorial to install the Captcha from Google (reCAPTCHA) in a BizForm for Kentico. Sources : - From Kentico Developer's guide. - From reCAPTCHA developer's guide. Tutorial : 1. Log in or sign in a Google account and get a public and private key ...

  • CMSlistmenu (CSS) shifts my second level list item and ignores 2nd level css selector
    Forum Post Jun 3, 2012
    Hi, I have designed a menu and associated css sheet in a regular HTML page. The behavior works as designed in my browser. When I port the definiitions to CMSListmenu webpart then the 2nd level items are shifted right ??? I have used the html envelope - Content before/afte...

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