Installation and deployment Questions on installation, system configuration and deployment to the live server.
Version 5.x > Installation and deployment
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
301 redirect and aliases luciamilena-tiscali
2 4799 kentico_mirekr
(8/2/2010 11:28:08 AM)
Site Export not working Vispi
2 4253 kentico_borisp
(8/2/2010 7:31:00 AM)
Nulled version of kentico 5.5 oli70it
1 4649 oli70it
(8/2/2010 6:00:20 AM)
App_Data\CMSTemp\ImportExport\data adegiamb
2 4369 kentico_radekm
(7/30/2010 6:12:25 AM)
Custom Settings Keys naresh_999-hotmail
3 3410 naresh_999-hotmail
(7/29/2010 12:52:20 PM)
Default alias path and automatic redirect michiel
6 11083 kentico_ondrejv
(7/29/2010 7:39:50 AM)
Upgrading from version 3.1
2 2044 kentico_radekm
(7/28/2010 10:30:56 AM)
server error in "/" Application (share hosting) kanleung
2 3616 Kentico_IvanaT
(7/26/2010 2:30:07 AM)
help with install webbmanjones-hotmail
4 2775 kentico_jurajo
(7/23/2010 4:18:14 PM)
Where are the 48x48 document type icons used? michiel
3 1990 michiel
(7/22/2010 7:27:51 AM)
Content Staging Blasty
3 1908 kentico_jurajo
(7/21/2010 2:46:18 AM)
MySQL 5 jdhenty
2 2763 kentico_radekm
(7/21/2010 1:05:39 AM)
SQLImport comments Blasty
6 2958 kentico_jurajo
(7/20/2010 8:20:56 AM)
Limit an editor to one section of site? toddbg-gmail
2 2216 toddbg-gmail
(7/19/2010 12:29:13 PM)
Error during import process sophiepvm
3 4751 sophiepvm
(7/19/2010 11:11:32 AM)
Minimal required transformations michiel
6 2214 kentico_jurajo
(7/14/2010 8:07:42 AM)
Google sitemap URL setting is not available per site michiel
3 1783 michiel
(7/13/2010 4:28:26 AM)
Is there a re resource string for the text "All page templates" in the PageTemplateSelector control? michiel
3 3664 michiel
(7/12/2010 7:55:09 AM)
Setting the default ui culture of Kentico michiel
4 6708 kentico_ondrejv
(7/8/2010 3:08:06 AM)
Database setup not showing in my web browser sam_hardman-yahoo
2 2064 kentico_radekm
(7/5/2010 7:18:10 AM)
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