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Version 5.x > Installation and deploymentGoogle sitemap URL setting is not available per site View modes: 
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michiel - 7/9/2010 4:00:56 AM
Google sitemap URL setting is not available per site
I noticed that the setting for the Google sitemap URL can only be configured globally, and not per site. Is that on purpose?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 7/12/2010 3:33:16 AM
RE:Google sitemap URL setting is not available per site

Yes, this is on purpose. Please note, that the sites within one instance should run on different domains, which differentiate their Google site maps URLs from each other. Google will know then which sitemap to use according appropriate domain.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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michiel - 7/13/2010 4:28:26 AM
RE:Google sitemap URL setting is not available per site
Ok, good to know it's on purpose, I thought I was missing settings again.
