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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Content Staging View modes: 
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Blasty - 7/20/2010 12:31:30 PM
Content Staging
Is there a Content Staging guide for dummies or anything? The help just tells me the properties values.

I also see references to a SyncServer page in CMSPages, that I don't have. But then I see references to a Windows Service...Can I get anything concrete on Content Staging in 5.5

Is it a push situation? Is it a pull Situation? Does my live server get data from my staging server? Does my staging server push data to my live server?

What username and password is this thing talking about? What permissions are we looking for? Where do I get these client and server keys...

Is there a Guide?

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Blasty - 7/20/2010 12:48:44 PM
RE:Content Staging
Ok, I found info on it in the Dev_Guide.

Would be cool if you could get it so that when someone types in Content Staging to your search forms, that the Dev_Guide is the first thing they are linked to. Not sure if that's possible.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/21/2010 2:46:18 AM
RE:Content Staging

Search on the devnet portal is already using Lucene.Net engine, so the results should be displayed according to the relevance. However, if there is a forum thread with many occurences of "content staging" it will be displayed before the DevGuide. I would recommend to use the search option in the online Developer's guide documentation.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus