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Version 5.x > Installation and deployment > Minimal required transformations View modes: 
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michiel - 6/24/2010 8:39:39 AM
Minimal required transformations
Is it safe to delete ALL transformations, including those of the CMS.Root document type, or are some of them used by CMS Desk? If so, what transformations exactly are used by Kentico CMS Desk or CMS Site Manager?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 6/28/2010 7:32:27 AM
RE:Minimal required transformations

There is no exact list of mandatory transformation since it is not usual do delete them. Under the CMS.Root document type there are some transformations used in CMS Desk - search transformations. I am not aware of any others. There is only way how to find it out - "trial and error". I will add this as a requirement for documentation to make a list of mandatory objects.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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michiel - 7/5/2010 4:26:34 AM
RE:Minimal required transformations
Ok, I understand.

As far as I know the search results in CMS Desk require two transformations of CMS.Root, I don't think there are other required transformations, although I'm not sure about the RSS transformations.

It'd be good if that were part of the documentation so that we know what is required by the system (also to understand what it would mean to change these transformations).


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/7/2010 3:55:56 AM
RE:Minimal required transformations

I submitted this to the documentation requirements and I hope that it will be added by the next release of the documentation version.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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michiel - 7/8/2010 9:34:14 AM
RE:Minimal required transformations
I think the GoogleSiteMap transformation (defined by the CMS.Root document type) can also be considered a 'system transformation'

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/14/2010 8:07:42 AM
RE:Minimal required transformations

Basically yes, but you can define any other, custom transformation for Google site map according to your needs in the googlesitemap.aspx file.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus