Bug reports Found a bug? Post it here please.
Version 4.x > Bug reports
Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
Corporate Site Media Library broke dukebaby
2 1618 kentico_jurajo
(4/23/2009 8:12:18 AM)
The tree and the content pane don't synchronize random0xff
4 1585 kentico_jurajo
(4/22/2009 2:51:57 AM)
A parent page should also be displayed when it is accessed as a folder random0xff
5 1590 random0xff
(4/22/2009 2:14:12 AM)
Separator between tree and content in CMS Desk can't be resized random0xff-gmail
5 1302 random0xff
(4/22/2009 2:05:11 AM)
Creating a blog document in Free edition resulted in license error Elijah
4 3138 kentico_jurajo
(4/21/2009 8:23:56 AM)
24 exceptions are thrown when running the site from visual studio random0xff
4 2489 kentico_jurajo
(4/16/2009 4:38:08 AM)
No rollover status for hyperlinks in the corporate template menu random0xff
2 1354 kentico_mirekr
(4/14/2009 8:22:13 AM)
Missing Port ctaleck IPAGlobal
2 1590 kentico_jurajo
(4/8/2009 5:34:44 AM)
CSS Menu List Item / Encode Menu Caption Darren-DesignReligion.co
2 1936 Darren-DesignReligion.co
(4/8/2009 4:52:54 AM)
API - TagInfoProvider.GetTags(taggroupname, siteid, where, order, topN) method matthew.lee-reedbusiness.com
3 2713 matthew.lee-reedbusiness.com
(4/7/2009 7:26:37 PM)
Horizontal cmslistmenu JS / IE bug? james-distinctionhq
2 1891 kentico_helenag
(4/2/2009 3:56:10 AM)
Tags of the blogs are being written into bogdan
8 5082 kentico_jurajo
(4/1/2009 7:28:15 AM)
SQL Exception when using Web part - Tag cloud, and changing Select top N documents bogdan
4 6027 kentico_jurajo
(4/1/2009 6:38:18 AM)
Trackback URL in Blogs doesnt take web-site port into account bogdan
2 3481 kentico_jurajo
(3/30/2009 2:51:18 AM)
Page tags insinuation box in wrong place Steve-Appetere
2 1349 kentico_jurajo
(3/27/2009 2:08:35 PM)
Can't change some properties of the Current User webpart mwinningham-global-id-group
2 1236 kentico_mirekr
(3/25/2009 3:39:25 AM)
FCK Editor; create link srizzetto-microgate
4 2491 kentico_jurajo
(3/25/2009 2:36:47 AM)
My Profile danielrichard-oaot
2 1820 kentico_zbysekn
(3/23/2009 8:06:25 AM)
Error in Wiki page dulani_udayangani-yahoo
2 1371 kentico_ondrejv
(3/20/2009 6:48:42 AM)
UI Culture case-sensitive Steve-Appetere
2 1824 kentico_helenag
(3/19/2009 6:26:25 AM)
... 6 7 8 9