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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Horizontal cmslistmenu JS / IE bug? View modes: 
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Certified Marketer 13
Certified Marketer 13
james-distinctionhq - 3/30/2009 5:03:13 AM
Horizontal cmslistmenu JS / IE bug?
Currently developing a site with the cmslistmenu with hovercssclassname 'Horizontal'.

You can see it here: http://jra.distinctionserver.co.uk/

The navigation works fine in FF / Safari / Chrome, but not in IE. It doesn't retain the mouse state when you move off the navigation.

We've looked at the lihover.htc file with the JS but the code looks fine. Any ideas of a fix / hack around?



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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/2/2009 3:56:10 AM
RE:Horizontal cmslistmenu JS / IE bug?
We were solving this issue via e-mail - so for other visitors:

It seems the problem could be caused by multiple CSS classes separated by a space which do not work in IE. The article about this issue could be found for example here:

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova