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bogdan - 3/27/2009 12:52:29 PM
Tags of the blogs are being written into
I was trying to set up a Tag Cloud for blogs and found another minor bug
When in the section Tag cloud settings I select

Tag group name = Blog

I see that Tag cloud web part returns nothing
When I change it to

Tag group name = Content

It returns what I need
So the source of the bag was revealed very quickly , I performed the query

select TagName, TagGroupName FROM CMS_DocumentTag
JOIN CMS_Tag ON CMS_DocumentTag.TagID = CMS_Tag.TagID
JOIN CMS_TagGroup ON CMS_Tag.TagGroupID = CMS_TagGroup.TagGroupID

and I see that all tags for my blogs actially have Tag Group Name = content (but not Blog, as one should expect)

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kentico_jurajo - 3/27/2009 2:48:23 PM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into
Hi again,

In the sample community site on the Blogs document in the Tag cloud web part configuration is set the Tag group name to "Blogs" and it is working fine - the relevant tags are displayed.

Could you please describe your settings and the issue with more details?
Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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bogdan - 3/30/2009 7:16:11 AM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into

Problem is that actually I deleted all blogs from the Community Web Site manually, because I wanted to evaluate how 1 blog will work on a free edition. And as far as there was a licensing problem I had to delete all blogs manually

See related post here

Finally I created a new blog from CMS desk

What is interesting, I can't find what settings is responsible in What tag group will be inserted new tags for new blog posts?
See, when I adding a new blog post with a new tag, "newtag", I see in SQL Profiler, that it executes a query (I will post only the query related to "newtag" )

exec Proc_CMS_DocumentTag_AddTag @TagName=N'newtag',@DocumentID=207,@TagGroupID=2

When I look to the CMS_TagGroup, I see here

select TagGroupID, TagGroupName, TaggroupSiteID from dbo.CMS_TagGroup

TagGroupID TagGroupName TaggroupSiteID
----------- ------------ --------------
1 content 1
2 content 2
3 News 2
4 Blogs 2

so, @TagGroupID=2 refers to TagGroup = "content"

That is why when I adding new blog posts, the tags for new posts appear to belong to "content" tag group, but not to the "blogs"

Again, may be you are right and some my settings is wrong, or maybe your code doesn't take into account the case when I manage more then one site
I don't know, but I suppose that if you have access to the source code, you can quickly debug to the line, where procedure Proc_CMS_DocumentTag_AddTag is being executed, and see, what parameter it takes for @TagGroupID

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/31/2009 4:16:21 AM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into

I have two questions:

1) Which tag group is selected in the tag cloud web part configuration?

2) The Blog tag group is empty, because you have deleted all blogs from your site and the tags are not used anywhere else, they are also deleted. Could you please try to add new tags into the Blog group? You will see that they will appear.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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bogdan - 3/31/2009 8:00:45 AM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into
Sorry, I think you don't understand my posts :)

Answer to your 1st question was in my 1st post of this thread

When I configure Tag Cloud to show Blog tags, it shows nothing
When I configure Tag Cloud to show content, it shows tags (from blogs, and from articles and other content too), so this is wrong IMHO.
And the reason is not in the way how I configure tag cloud, but in the way how Kentico stores tags in the database.

Answer to your 2nd question was in may previous post where I told you that i was trying to add new tags to the blog and what SQL trace I got, and where the bug is.

I suppose the provided information should be more then enough for the developers to trace the problem to its roots.

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Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/1/2009 3:36:34 AM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into

As I understand, you have manually deleted the blogs records and everything related, including records in CMS_DocumentTag table.
Isn't it possible that you have deleted all the tags which were in Blogs group? Is this group present in your CMS?
How did you deleted the blogs? There are many dependencies.

Because, in a default installation, without making changes directly to the DB, everything is working fine.

In case of some licensing limits is better to ask for a time limited license of higher edition, so you can resolve the problem through the interface and not manually in DB, where some dependencies and constraints can be corrupted.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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bogdan - 4/1/2009 6:09:35 AM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into
OK, seems it is a problem in my DB and, as far as I use workaround, let's forget about it.

To finally close this issue, could you tell me please, what setting is responsible for considering what tag group will be used for tags of the certain document type (i.e. Blog tags group should be used for blog posts, News tag group for news, Content tag for articles etc.)
If I create a new document type and if I create a new tag group, how I'm to bind them together?

I know how to setup Tag Cloud web part to use the required tag group, but web part is responsible for reading from the database, and I'm searching for an option responsible for assigning tag groups to the tags when CMS is writing new tags to the DB...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/1/2009 7:28:15 AM
RE:Tags of the blogs are being written into

On the Properties tab of the document -> Metadata section, you can select to which tag group belongs the document so the tags will be written to certain group.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus