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danielrichard-oaot - 3/3/2009 7:49:40 AM
My Profile
When saving the My Profile form (in the demo as well as my implementation of it), the postback returns a different form with only 3 fields. And it doesn't save all the changes.

Also, in 3.1a I had control to change this form so it only showed name and email address. I can't seem to find how to do that with the new Modules structure. Where is this "CMS:DataForm" stored and how can I modify it (or create my own version)?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_zbysekn - 3/23/2009 8:06:25 AM
RE:My Profile
it's hard to say,where the problem is. In this case we need to see the code to find out the source of the problem.

Regarding the 4.0 version, there is possibility to use atlernative forms, so you don't have to customize your code, you just create appropriate alternative form using our UI.
To find out more about alternative forms please read following article from our develoeper's guide(Creating alternative forms)

Best Regards,
Zbysek Nemec