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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Creating a blog document in Free edition resulted in license error View modes: 
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Elijah - 4/20/2009 11:44:15 AM
Creating a blog document in Free edition resulted in license error
I am running a site on Free edition 4.0. I have one custom table as part of the application. I know there's a limit of one custom table per site in Free edition, as well as one Blog per site.

When I try to add a Blog document, however (even though there are none yet), I get this error:

"Custom table cannot be added to the selected site due to license limitations."

It appears to be a bug to me since I'm not asking to create a custom table, just a Blog document.

Any ideas?

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Elijah - 4/20/2009 1:54:58 PM
RE:Creating a blog document in Free edition resulted in license error
Sorry, not when CREATING the blog document, but when trying to assign the Blog document type to my web site using the "Sites" tab in the document type editor (after importing it from the standard template).

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Elijah - 4/20/2009 2:01:17 PM
RE:Creating a blog document in Free edition resulted in license error
Update... I did this as a workaround:

* Exported the custom table
* Deleted the custom table
* Assigned the "Blog" document type to my site
* Created the "Blog" document I needed
* Imported the custom table from my export file

And now it works fine. I think there's a bug in the "assign to site" page.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/21/2009 8:23:56 AM
RE:Creating a blog document in Free edition resulted in license error

Thank you for the report. It seems that there is a bug. I am sorry for the inconvenience. We will try to fix it in the next version.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus