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Version 4.x > Bug reports > The tree and the content pane don't synchronize View modes: 
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random0xff - 4/14/2009 7:26:39 AM
The tree and the content pane don't synchronize
In CMSDesk in the Corporate site, if you navigate in the content pane, the tree does not synchronize your location in the site. So you could be on the Products page, but in the tree the Forums node is still highlighted.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/15/2009 6:00:45 AM
RE:The tree and the content pane don't synchronize

This is by design. The content tree is separate. If you navigate in the main frame, you are browsing the site in edit mode. This has nothing to do with the content tree on the left.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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random0xff - 4/22/2009 2:19:53 AM
RE:The tree and the content pane don't synchronize
Well, it can be confusing, because you can use the content tree to navigate the site in the main frame to page A (and page A will be highlighted in the tree) and then you can use the site to navigate to page B.

At this point, with page B showing in the main frame, page A is still highlighted in the content tree. So if you would start editing the page, you *could* be mistaken that you are editing page A if you look at the content tree, since page A is still highlighted.

In some tabs of the page, you can't see what page you are chaning, so you can make this mistake:

Hey, page A (highlighted) should have template X, not template Y. And then you change it, but you find out that you were actually changing page B...

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/22/2009 2:51:57 AM
RE:The tree and the content pane don't synchronize

I am sorry but I am little bit confused. The navigation if different on the Page tab in CMS Desk - I think that the editor should be able to remember that he/she navigated to another page.

Moreover, lets say that the page A is selected in the content tree and you have navigated on the PAGE tab to page B. Now, when you switch to FORM tab or DESIGN tab or PROPERTIES tab, you are still editing page A. So, if someone wants to edit the page B not in Page tab, will find out that in the content tree is selected different document...

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus