Rui Wang

Rui Wang Kentico

Senior Solution Architect for Kentico located in US.

Rui ranks #730 in the community leaderboard with total of 0 reputation points.

Compare Two Ways of Creating MVC Widgets

Rui Wang    —       —    Featured Article

Kentico Xperience’s MVC support has come a long way since the old days. With the MVC widgets, content editors can have more fun assemble a page using components. As a solution architect, I get asked a lot about how to make decisions on creating widgets. In this article, I’m going to compare two ways of creating MVC widgets to get the same output. The results may be the same, but the decision makings are different.

Virtual Widget for Kentico MVC

Rui Wang    —       —    Featured Article

As developers convert websites from Portal Engine to MVC, Many have said there should be a way to allow front end developers to create virtual widgets in MVC, similar to Portal. That way, front end developers can work more independently, instead of relying on backend developers to build MVC widgets and push code changes. With that thought in mind, here is the working concept for allowing front end developers to build virtual widgets without backend code changes.

MVC Widget with a Touch of Kentico Cloud

Rui Wang    —       —    Featured Article

With the release of Kentico V12 comes the new page builder for MVC. As part of self-improvement, I was trying to come up with an interesting small project. I decided to try pulling some content from a Kentico Cloud project and display it using an MVC Widget in the Kentico EMS site. This scenario would be useful for marketing teams that use Kentico Cloud to manage multichannel content and want to show that content in their Kentico CMS site.

Tips and Tricks for Kentico Search Boosting

Rui Wang    —       —    Featured Article

People do more searching than browsing today. You are likely already using strategies for optimizing SEO on external search engines, but what about your site’s own search? I have seen many people ask about search boosting in Kentico, but the solutions were either not clear or required custom coding, making it hard for marketers to boost results. I recently worked with three partners/clients on Kentico smart search, and boosting results was a common request. In this article, I’ll share some tips and tricks for search boosting in Kentico without custom coding, and I hope you can benefit from them.

Thoughts on Implementing Online Marketing - Part 1

Rui Wang    —       —    Article

Kentico offers many features for Online Marketing, but a lot of times, you may be considering: which feature to use, if it is the most effective one to use, and whether it will cause any performance issues on the website. In this series of articles, I’ll discuss a few things based on real life examples and, hopefully, these scenarios can help you make decisions.

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