In the Page Templates application, the layout tab for any given page template is returning:@html@ @head@@/head@ @body@@/body@ @/html@ Does anyone have any idea what could this be indicative...
Hi,I am using Kentico 9. I have created web part with Image and Text fields in it. I am using this web part in newly created page. Though I am able to add this web part to page, but I am not able t...
We are currently on Kentico EMS V.7 but when our site(s) was created there was not any mobile device layouts setup. an out entire site is build around ASPX+Portal templates so we don't have the edi...
We have 2 areas set up. DEV and UAT. DEV is my local machine, UAT is on our staging server. Both areas have the same connection string, i.e. they are both connected to the same database. I'm ...
I'm trying to create a layout which makes use of Bootstrap Tabs. I have built a small control that generates the necessary HTML code and allows for WebPartZone's to be place in each tab. This all w...
I've followed instructions in the documentation about how to create a new webpart by inheriting from an existing webpart. And I understand that I can either use the default layout or create a new l...