In kentico 10 customer site already used login window, if enter username and password, if credential is success they able to access the customer site. else the credential is not valid not able to a...
In the kentico UI site is they have login form. In the login form two textbox(Emailid and Password),already access the site login using Email id.Now I need to access using UserName instead of Email...
In my site they have configured in 5 sites. SiteName: A,B,C,D,E.I want to have the ability to customise these two pieces of text by site using a site specific resource (localization) string for eac...
I have to upload around 500 users in the table CMS.User (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Email,UserPassword and UserPasswordFormat) from an Excel sheet. How to encrypt the password and save it in th...
In Kentico 10 Scheduled task Ecommerce site, they have number of product records are there. If I run the schedule task the first product record only updating and remaining records are not update.Cu...
We are using non-EMS Kentico version 10, which means we do not have access to advanced workflows. Is there a way, using a basic workflow, to bypass the notification emails on a workflow only for ad...
Hi,We're currently using Kentico 10.0.23. I'm hoping that someone has seen this issue before and can assist. No workflows have been changed from the default installation and adding a new workflow ...