I have the following script to return search results of linked pages. I need to filter out the duplicates of the alias pages, as well as sort the results alphabetically. Currently, it returns both ...
I have a field called 'description' on my structured pages in Kentico 11 and I want to count the number of characters in the string.I tried something like this but it didn't work. Any ideas?{% If (...
hello kentico is there any macro in transformation can count number of field page type structure :NewsName :3CategoryName: 5Sport:10
hello Kentico Dev in smart search result i try to display result like this(18 results found for @search keyword@) i find macro @div class='ResultCount'@@%# Eval(@Items@) + @ result(s) for @ + CMS.H...
I am trying to combine two tables. I want to find out how many products are underneath that category. Can you be a helper?How do I use defaultifempty () as an attachment ?Code Samples var result = ...
How can i find specific user is visited the site how many times ? Lets consider the user X. He is not visited the site till now his visit count is 0 how can i find that count ????
I use a repeater with custom query to get datas from two tables ('society' and 'activities'). For each society, I have a lot of activities and in this table, I have a field with 2 possible values. ...
Please send me the code to display : Based on @number of comments counts@ it has to order in ascending order, in the transformations.
In Repeater Content after i need to check items count for this Repeater and if it is more than 2 i need to show some text{% if (DataItemCount @ 2) {@More than two@} #%}i tried code above but it did...
Hi,I have a query like this:DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(@MyClass@) .WhereEquals(@NodeOwner@, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID) .HasResults(); When executing it, I get the error: Column 'V...