• Want to empower your community? Try the new Disqus widget!
    Article Dec 3, 2021
    Adding support for commenting and ratings on your website is a great way to encourage your visitors to engage with you and other users. With the release of Kentico Xperience 13 Refresh 4, it’s never been easier. Now, there’s no need to worry about code— just drag-and-drop our...

  • Smart Search and Filtering
    Question Nov 27, 2014
    Hi Guys Heres is the scenario. I have implemented a smart search box on the home page of my site. I have added a smart search filter with 2 filter items as check boxes: +_content;Full-time;Full time +_content;Part-time;Part time I have added a page field containing a list ...

  • Using Kenticos ECommerce module as a Self-Service Document Portal
    Question May 13, 2015
    Hello, Has anyone had experience or can offer tips on the following conundrum: Hypothetical Scenario - We have 10 customers who need to be able to see unique content once they are logged into our website. This unique content will mainly be PDF documents. So customer1 will lo...

  • Custom Caching Example
    Question Sep 8, 2015
    I want to store a cache of products in memory due to the way I want to retrieve this data later. I have had a look at various documentation but I am still at a loss on the best way to implement this. I have looked at the Dev docs on this, http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/7_0/de...

  • Best way to connect to Dynamics CRM
    Question Apr 10, 2014
    I have a client that would like to connect Dynamics CRM (I'm a CRM developer so don't know much about Kentico) to their website. What is the best way to do this? Do I use the Integration Bus, or use a Web Part, or can I just add a function to the submit of a form that will pu...

  • search filters not filtering smart search results
    Question May 16, 2016
    We are trying to use a smart search on a page that has a set of custom page types under it. The search is supposed to filter and show those child pages of the custom page type in the results webpart. I put in the web part ID of the smart search dialog that's on the same page,...

  • How to increase page speed
    Question Aug 17, 2016
    Hi there, When testing the performance of my site with http://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ I get a strong recommendation to "Eliminate external render-blocking Javascript and CSS in above-the-fold content". Following is the link to my website page speed te...

  • Create attachment upload button and send attachments in e-mail via template
    Question Aug 4, 2016
    Hi I was wondering if there were any help guides or code samples we could use to help us build this solution. We've got a custom ad-hoc page which basically functions as a form with custom fields into which users can input info. Once the user gets to the end of the form, and c...

  • Getting related pages of Current Document in a widget layout.
    Question Feb 16, 2017
    I'm trying to get the "related pages" of the current document and I'm trying to do so in a layout of a widget.Here is what I tried : ` " data-title="<%#Eval("Role")%>" data-phone="<%#Eval("Telephone")%>" data-email="<%#Eval("Email")%>" data-logo="<%#Eval("AssociatedLogo")%>"> ...

  • Kentico Notification
    Question Mar 17, 2017
    Hi, I am very new to Kentico. I have one requirement, to display the notification to user whenever i get some response from an API which is built on java. Please let me know the best approach.

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