• Kentico CMS 7: Smart search
    Article Aug 6, 2012
    Version 7 brings many improvements for the smart search module and extends its usability to cover advanced requirements and needs.

  • Smart Search WebPart filter by siteID
    Question Apr 12, 2016
    Hi All, I have merged 2 sites in a single kentico installation, but the "Smart Search dialog with results" webpart is returning results from both of my pages. The 2 pages have a very similar document structure. How could a make a condition so that it only returns results for...

  • Smart Search Box not redirecting on click
    Question Jul 20, 2016
    I have created a page which includes a Smart Search Box or Dialog and Smart Search Results and everything appeared to be working correctly Recently when clicking the submit button for the Smart Search Box / Dialog, nothing is happening. Directly typing ?searchtext=mira&searc...

  • Smart Search validation message not displaying
    Question Jun 5, 2019
    I have a Smart search webpart on my site. The search works fine, however it doesn't show error message is the field is empty. The "Search Text required" is check under Input validation. But my custom message doesn't show. Leaving the seach box empty and hitting submit just re...

  • Smart search box adding comma to smart search dialog box
    Question Dec 4, 2017
    On our client site we have a Smart search box web part in the header of every page. When you search through this, it takes you to the Search page. On the Search page is a Smart search dialog web part. Whenever a user comes to the Search page via this Smart Search Box in the he...

  • Smart Search filter in combination with OR clause
    Knowledge Base Article Feb 24, 2014
    This article gives you instructions on how to use formating expression {0} to insert value to specified place inside search condition.

  • Smart search filter disappears on postback
    Question Dec 14, 2018
    Hello! I have a big problem which seems to be the first time ever encountered in Kentico history. I have a smart search filter with check boxes. Postback is enabled and the values are correct. But when I press one of the boxes the whole web part disappears when page is reloa...

  • Kentico Smart Search and custom type
    Question May 22, 2017
    I want to use Smart search via api. I have read the documentation here [https://docs.kentico.com/api10/configuration/smart-search](https://docs.kentico.com/api10/configuration/smart-search). I tried to create different types of indexes using the documentation syntax. I checked...

  • Smart Search - Capitalization Matters (k8.2)
    Question May 17, 2017
    I'm using smart search on my site. I recently became aware that if someone searches in ALL CAPS in the search, it returns no results. [https://www.atecorp.com/](https://www.atecorp.com) I'm using the global setting 'Redirect invalid case URLs to their correct versions' as '...

  • CMS Desk Smart Search Results
    Knowledge Base Article May 10, 2012
    This article explains how to fix the default CMS Desk Smart Search Results transformation.

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