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ShoppingCartInfoProvider Methods

The ShoppingCartInfoProvider type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddShoppingCartItem
Adds new initialized item to the shopping cart items collection.
Protected methodAddShoppingCartItemInternal(ShoppingCartInfo, ShoppingCartItemInfo)
Adds new initialized item to the shopping cart items collection.
Protected methodAddShoppingCartItemInternal(ShoppingCartInfo, ShoppingCartItemParameters)
Adds new item to the shopping cart object and returns its object.
Public methodAddSiteWhereCondition(String, Int32, String, Boolean)
Creates site where condition from the specified parameters and adds it to the original where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodAddSiteWhereCondition(String, Int32, String, Boolean, String)
Creates site where condition from the specified parameters and adds it to the original where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodApplySourceTQuery
If the provider has a data source specified, applies this source to the given query. Returns the modified query.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodAssignCartToUserInternal
Assigns given cart to specified user. Cart's currency is switched to user's preferred one if cart is empty.
Public methodStatic memberAutoAddItemsToShoppingCart
Evaluates active discounts and auto add items which can be for free to the shopping cart.
Protected methodAutoAddItemsToShoppingCartInternal
Evaluates active discounts and auto add items which can be for free to the shopping cart.
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByGuid(Guid)
Gets the info object by its GUID
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32)
Gets the info object by its GUID and site ID
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoById
Gets the info by ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByName(String)
Gets the info object by its code name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfoByName(String, Int32)
Gets the info object by its code name and site Id
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodBoundGetInfosByIds
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodBulkInsertInfos(IEnumerableTInfo)
Bulk inserts the given list of info objects
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberCalculateItemsDiscount
Calculates catalog discount which should be applied to the total items price.
Protected methodCalculateItemsDiscountInternal
Calculates catalog discount which should be applied to the total items price.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateOrderDiscount
Calculates discount which should be applied to the total items price. Returns total sum of order discount value and multibuy discount value in main currency.
Protected methodCalculateOrderDiscountInternal
Calculates discount which should be applied to the total items price. If discount is higher than total items price, total items price is returned.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateShippingDiscount
Calculates shipping discount which should be applied to the shipping price.
Protected methodCalculateShippingDiscountInternal
Calculates shipping discount which should be applied to the shipping price.
Protected methodCalculateShippingTaxInternal
Calculates single tax which is applied to shipping option. Result is in site main currency.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTotalItemsPrice
Calculates total price of all shopping cart items in main currency. Discounts and taxes of the shopping cart items are included.
Protected methodCalculateTotalItemsPriceInternal
Calculates total price of all shopping cart items in main currency. Discounts and taxes of the shopping cart items are included.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTotalItemsTax
Calculates total tax of all shopping cart items in main currency.
Protected methodCalculateTotalItemsTaxInternal
Calculates total tax of all shopping cart items in main currency.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTotalItemsWeight
Calculates total weight of all shopping cart items.
Protected methodCalculateTotalItemsWeightInternal
Calculates total weight of all shopping cart items.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTotalPrice
Calculates total price of the shopping cart. All discounts, taxes and shipping are included.
Protected methodCalculateTotalPriceInternal
Calculates total price of the shopping cart. All discounts, taxes and shipping are included.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateTotalTax
Calculates total tax which is applied to all shopping cart items altogether. Result is in site main currency.
Protected methodCalculateTotalTaxInternal
Calculates total tax which is applied to all shopping cart items altogether. Result is in site main currency.
Protected methodCartCanBeUsedOnSiteInternal
Returns true if given cart can be used on given site.
Protected methodClearHashtables
Clear hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberClearShoppingCartPrivateData
Clears customer's private data from shopping cart object.
Protected methodClearShoppingCartPrivateDataInternal
Clears customer's private data from shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberCopyShoppingCartItems
Updates destination shopping cart with source shopping cart.

If such product configuration already exists in the shopping cart, only its quantity is updated.

Protected methodCopyShoppingCartItemsInternal
Updates destination shopping cart with source shopping cart.

If such product configuration already exists in the shopping cart, only its quantity is updated.

Public methodStatic memberCreateContentRow
Creates one row of the content table with the data which are retrieved from the specified shopping cart item.
Protected methodCreateContentRowInternal
Creates one row of the content table with the data which are retrieved from the specified shopping cart item.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContentTable
Creates an empty shopping cart content table.
Protected methodCreateContentTableInternal
Creates an empty shopping cart content table.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContentTaxesTable
Creates an empty content taxes table.
Protected methodCreateContentTaxesTableInternal
Creates an empty content taxes table.
Public methodStatic memberCreateContentTaxRow
Creates one row of the content taxes table with the data which are retrieved from the specified shopping cart item tax.
Protected methodCreateContentTaxRowInternal
Creates one row of the content taxes table with the data which are retrieved from the specified shopping cart item tax.
Protected methodCreateHashtables
Creates the provider hashtables
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodCreateInfo(Int32)
Creates an instance of info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodCreateInfo(DataRow, Boolean)
Creates a new info object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberCreateShippingTaxesTable
Creates an empty table where taxes summary of the selected shipping option will be stored.
Protected methodCreateShippingTaxesTableInternal
Creates an empty shipping taxes table (table where taxes summary of the selected shipping option will be stored).
Public methodStatic memberCreateShippingTaxRow
Creates one row of the shipping taxes table with the data which are retrieved from the specified shipping option tax.
Protected methodCreateShippingTaxRowInternal
Creates one row of the shipping taxes table with the data which are retrieved from the specified shipping option tax.
Public methodStatic memberCreateShoppingCartInfo(DataRow)
Returns new empty shopping cart object created from the given data row.
Public methodStatic memberCreateShoppingCartInfo(Int32)
Returns new empty shopping cart object.
Public methodStatic memberCreateShoppingCartInfo(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Returns new empty shopping cart object created from deserialized input data.
Protected methodCreateShoppingCartInfoInternal(DataRow)
Returns new empty shopping cart object created from the given data row.
Protected methodCreateShoppingCartInfoInternal(Int32)
Returns new empty shopping cart object.
Protected methodCreateShoppingCartInfoInternal(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
Returns new empty shopping cart object created from deserialized input data.
Public methodCreateWebFarmTask(String, String)
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Public methodCreateWebFarmTask(String, String, Byte, String)
Creates web farm task specific for current object and action name
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Protected methodDeleteData(ActionTQuery)
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodDeleteData(String)
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodDeleteData(IWhereCondition)
Deletes the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodDeleteInfo
Deletes the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodDeleteObjectFromHashtables
Deletes the object instance from the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberDeleteShoppingCartInfo(Guid)
Deletes shopping cart with specified GUID.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteShoppingCartInfo(Int32)
Deletes shopping cart with specified ID.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteShoppingCartInfo(ShoppingCartInfo)
Deletes specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteShoppingCartInfo(Int32, String)
Deletes shopping cart of the specified user.
Protected methodDeleteShoppingCartInfoInternal
Deletes specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteShoppingCartItems
Deletes all items of the specified shopping cart.
Protected methodDeleteShoppingCartItemsInternal
Deletes items of the specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberEmptyShoppingCart
Removes all items from specified shopping cart object.
Protected methodEmptyShoppingCartInternal
Removes all items from specified shopping cart object and from the shopping cart in database.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateContent
Recalculates shopping cart content table.
Protected methodEvaluateContentInternal
Recalculates shopping cart content table.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateContentTaxes
Recalculates content taxes table (table with summary of all taxes which were applied to the shopping cart items).
Protected methodEvaluateContentTaxesInternal
Recalculates content taxes table (table with summary of all taxes which were applied to the shopping cart items).
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateMultiBuyDiscounts
Evaluates multibuy discounts and returns MultiBuyDiscountsApplicator with applied discounts.
Protected methodEvaluateMultiBuyDiscountsInternal
Evaluates multibuy discounts and returns MultiBuyDiscountsApplicator with applied discounts.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateOrderRelatedDiscounts
Creates collection with order and multibuy discounts applied on current shopping cart.
Protected methodEvaluateOrderRelatedDiscountsInternal
Creates collection with order and multibuy discounts applied on current shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateShippingTaxes
Recalculates shipping taxes table (table with summary of all taxes which were applied to the selected shipping option).
Protected methodEvaluateShippingTaxesInternal
Recalculates shipping taxes table (table with summary of all taxes which were applied to the selected shipping option).
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateShoppingCart
Recalculates the whole shopping cart (discounts and taxes of all shopping cart items, content table, content taxes table, shipping and shipping taxes table).
Protected methodEvaluateShoppingCartInternal
Recalculates the whole shopping cart (discounts and taxes of all shopping cart items, content table, content taxes table, shipping and shipping taxes table).
Public methodStatic memberEvaluateShoppingCartItems
Recalculates discounts and taxes of all shopping cart items.
Protected methodEvaluateShoppingCartItemsInternal
Recalculates discounts and taxes of all shopping cart items.
Public methodStatic memberFilterContentTable
Filters shopping cart content table.
Protected methodFilterContentTableInternal
Filters shopping cart content table.
Protected methodFindExistingShoppingCartInternal
Gets registered users most recent shopping cart on given site from the database. This method also recalculates the cart found in DB.
Public methodGetBindingWhereCondition(String, Int32)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific binding dependency. Use this method only for 2-keys bindings.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodGetBindingWhereCondition(String, Object)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific binding dependencies. Use this method for 3 and more-keys bindings.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetCacheDependency(DataSet, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetCacheDependency(BaseInfo, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetContentTaxRowInternal
Returns row with specified tax class ID from given taxes table. Null is returned when tax not found.
Protected methodGetCountInternal
Gets the number of items matching the given parameters. Does not check the license when retrieving data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberGetCurrentShoppingCart
Returns current shopping cart for current user on current site.
Protected methodGetCurrentShoppingCartInternal
Returns current shopping cart for current user on current site.
Protected methodGetData(QueryDataParameters, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32)
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetData(QueryDataParameters, String, String, Int32, String, Boolean, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDataByColumnT
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDataByGuidColumn
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDataByIntColumn
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDataByStringColumn
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDeleteQuery
Gets the object query that deletes all items matching the query parameters
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDependencyCacheKeys(DataSet, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency keys for the given DataSet.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetDependencyCacheKeys(GeneralizedInfo, String, String)
Gets the cache dependency keys for the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetEmptyDataSet
Gets the empty data set to be filled by the data
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetExistingIDsInternal
Filters out all object IDs that do not exist in the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberGetExpiredShoppingCarts
Returns shopping carts that are expired (by default older than 30 days).
Protected methodGetExpiredShoppingCartsInternal
Returns shopping carts that are expired (by default older than 30 days).
Protected methodGetFullNameDictionary
Creates new dictionary for caching the objects by full name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetFullNameWhereCondition
Gets the where condition that searches the object based on the given full name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfo(ActionTQuery)
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfo(IWhereCondition)
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfo(String, String)
Gets an instance of the first info object matching the specified condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeName(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByCodeNameFromDB
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name from database
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByFullName(String)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByFullName(String, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given full name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByFullNameInternal
Gets the info by its full name from the database
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid)
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the given code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuid(Guid, Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on the GUID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuidColumn
Gets an instance of info object based on the string column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByGuidFromDB
Gets an instance of info object based on the given GUID from database
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoById(Int32)
Gets an instance of info object based on ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoById(Int32, Boolean)
Gets an instance of info object based on ID.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByIntColumn
Gets an instance of info object based on the integer column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfoByStringColumn
Gets an instance of info object based on the string column value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetInfosByIds
Gets the list of info objects by their IDs
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetMultiBuyDiscount
Converts MultiBuyDiscountInfo object to object applicable within shopping cart calculation.
Public methodStatic memberGetMultiBuyDiscounts
Returns multibuy discounts potentially applicable to given shopping cart. Discounts are ordered by priority.
Protected methodGetMultiBuyDiscountsInternal
Returns multibuy discounts potentially applicable to given shopping cart. Discounts are ordered by priority.
Protected methodGetObjectQuery
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodGetObjectQueryInternal
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberGetOrderInvoice
Returns the HTML code for the order invoice.
Protected methodGetOrderInvoiceInternal
Returns the HTML code for the order invoice.
Public methodGetParentWhereCondition
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific parent.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartInfo(Guid)
Returns shopping cart with specified GUID.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartInfo(Int32)
Returns shopping cart with specified ID.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartInfo(Int32, String)
Returns shopping cart of the specified user.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartInfoFromOrder
Returns ShoppingCartInfo object created from the order data.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartInfoFromOrderInternal
Returns ShoppingCartInfo object created from the order data.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartInfoInternal(Guid)
Returns shopping cart with specified GUID.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartInfoInternal(Int32)
Returns shopping cart with specified ID.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartInfoInternal(Int32, String)
Returns shopping cart of the specified user.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartInfo, Guid)
Returns shopping cart item from the specified shopping cart object.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartInfo, Int32)
Returns shopping cart item from the specified shopping cart object.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartItemInternal(ShoppingCartInfo, ShoppingCartItemParameters)
Returns specified shopping cart item from the given shopping cart object. If such item is not found, null is returned. By default shopping cart item is searched according to the product SKUID and SKUIDs of its product options.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartItemInternal(ShoppingCartInfo, Guid)
Returns shopping cart item from the specified shopping cart object.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartItemInternal(ShoppingCartInfo, Int32)
Returns shopping cart item from the specified shopping cart object.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCartResolver
Returns initialized shopping cart resolver.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartResolverInternal
Returns initialized shopping cart resolver
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCarts
Returns the query for all shopping carts.
Public methodStatic memberGetShoppingCarts(Int32)
Returns dataset of all shopping carts for specified site.
Protected methodGetShoppingCartsInternal
Returns dataset of all shopping carts for specified site matching the specified parameters.
Protected methodGetSingleObject
Gets the object query for the provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodGetSiteWhereCondition(Int32)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific site.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodGetSiteWhereCondition(Int32, Boolean)
Gets the where condition to limit the objects to specific site.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberGetTotalUnits
Returns sum of all shopping cart items' units, bundle items and product options are not included.
Protected methodGetTotalUnitsInternal
Returns sum of all shopping cart items' units, bundle items and product options are not included.
Protected methodGetTypeInfo
Gets the type info for this provider
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberCheckNewShoppingCartItems
Check new shopping cart items (product-site binding, product option - product binding and needed product options. Returns true on success.
Protected methodCheckNewShoppingCartItemsInternal
Check new shopping cart items (product-site binding, product option - product binding and needed product options. Returns true on success.
Public methodStatic memberCheckShoppingCart
Checks shopping cart items. The following conditions must be met to pass the check: 1)All shopping cart items are enabled 2)Max units in one order are not exceeded 3)There is enough units in the inventory 4) Customer is registered, if there is a membership type product in the cart 5)Product validity is valid, if there is a membership or e-product type product in the cart
Protected methodCheckShoppingCartInternal
Checks shopping cart items. The following conditions must be met to pass the check: 1)All shopping cart items are enabled 2)Max units in one order are not exceeded 3)There is enough units in the inventory 4) Customer is registered, if there is a membership type product in the cart 5)Product validity is valid, if there is a membership or e-product type product in the cart
Public methodCheckUniqueCodeName
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodCheckUniqueValues
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodInit
Initializes the provider variables.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodInitHashtables
Initializes the hashtable settings
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodInvalidate
Sets this provider as invalid
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberIsProductTypeInShoppingCart
Returns true, if there is at least one product of the specified type in the shopping cart.
Protected methodIsProductTypeInShoppingCartInternal
Returns true, if there is at least one product of the specified type in the shopping cart.
Protected methodLoadAllInfos
Loads all infos to the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodLoadGeneration
Loads the specified generation of the objects.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodLoadInfos
Loads all objects from the database to memory.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodLoadObjectsToHashtables
Loads the objects from a DataSet to the hashtables
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberLogDiscountsUse
Logs the use of all discounts used in this shopping cart.
Protected methodLogDiscountsUseInternal
Logs the use of all discounts used in this shopping cart. Fills shopping cart DiscountsToLog collection with applicable catalog, order, shipping, multi buy discounts.
Public methodStatic memberMakeShoppingCartCurrent
Sets given cart as current users current cart.
Protected methodMakeShoppingCartCurrentInternal
Sets given cart as current user's current cart.
Public methodNewTransaction
Creates a new transaction over this provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodProcessWebFarmTask
Runs the processing of specific web farm task for current provider
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodRecalculateData
Recalculates the value in the given column using the coefficient.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodRefreshObjectsCounts
Updates all counts for all sub-objects.
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Protected methodRegister
Registers current provider in providers collection
(Inherited from AbstractProvider.)
Protected methodRegisterObjectInHashtables
Registers the object instance within the hashtables.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodRemoveOriginalCodeNameFromHashtable
Removes the original object code name from the hashtable
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberRemoveShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartInfo, ShoppingCartItemInfo)
Removes shopping cart item, related bundle items and its product options from the specified shopping cart object.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartInfo, Guid)
Removes shopping cart item and its product options from the specified shopping cart object.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveShoppingCartItem(ShoppingCartInfo, Int32)
Removes shopping cart item and its product options from the specified shopping cart object.
Protected methodRemoveShoppingCartItemInternal
Removes shopping cart item, related bundle items and its product options from the specified shopping cart object.
Protected methodReplaceData Obsolete.
Replaces the data in the given columns.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodResetToDefault
Resets the provider to default implementation
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.)
Public methodSetAsDefaultProvider
Sets this provider instance as the default provider
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTProvider.)
Public methodStatic memberSetContentTaxRow
Appends or updates taxes records in table specified by contentTaxesTable parameter according to given item taxes.
Protected methodSetContentTaxRowInternal
Appends or updates taxes records in table specified by contentTaxesTable parameter according to given item taxes.
Protected methodSetInfo
Inserts or Updates the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberSetOrder(ShoppingCartInfo)
Creates or updates order based on the data of the specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberSetOrder(ShoppingCartInfo, Boolean)
Creates or updates order based on the data of the specified shopping cart.
Protected methodSetOrderInternal
Creates or updates order based on the data of the specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberSetOrderItems
Creates or updates order items based on the items of the specified shopping cart.
Protected methodSetOrderItemsInternal
Creates or updates order items based on the items of the specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberSetShoppingCartInfo
Sets (updates or inserts) specified shopping cart.
Protected methodSetShoppingCartInfoInternal
Sets (updates or inserts) specified shopping cart.
Public methodStatic memberSetShoppingCartItem
Adds product (and its product options) to the specified shopping cart object. If such product configuration already exists in the shopping cart, only its quantity is updated. Added/updated shopping cart item is returned.
Protected methodSetShoppingCartItemInternal
Adds product (and its product options) to the specified shopping cart object. If such product configuration already exists in the shopping cart, only its quantity is updated. Added/updated shopping cart item is returned.
Public methodSortAlphabetically
Sorts the object alphabetically.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodTouchCacheDependencies
Touches the cache dependencies of the given object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodStatic memberUpdateContentTaxRow
Updates tax record specified by contentTaxRow parameter according to given item tax.
Protected methodUpdateContentTaxRowInternal
Updates tax record specified by contentTaxRow parameter according to given item tax.
Protected methodUpdateData(String, QueryDataParameters, String)
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodUpdateData(IWhereCondition, IEnumerableKeyValuePairString, Object, Boolean)
Updates the data in the database based on the given where condition.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Protected methodUpdateObjectInHashtables
Updates the object instance in the hashtables. Updates is different than register, because it logs task about changing object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodStatic memberUpdateShoppingCartFromOrder
Updates shopping cart with shopping cart from order. If such product configuration already exists in the shopping cart, only its quantity is updated. Returns true if all ordered items were successfully added to cart.
Protected methodUpdateShoppingCartFromOrderInternal
Updates shopping cart with shopping cart from order. If such product configuration already exists in the shopping cart, only its quantity is updated. Returns true if all ordered items were successfully added to cart.
Protected methodUpdateShoppingCartItemInternal
Updates shopping cart item in the specified shopping cart object. By default only units of the specified shopping cart item and units of its product options are updated.
Public methodUseSource(TInfo)
Sets the provider to use given data as data source
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
Public methodUseSource(DataQuerySource)
Sets the provider to use given data as data source
(Inherited from BaseAbstractInfoProvider.)
Public methodValidateCodeName
Validates the object code name. Returns true if the code name is valid.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider, TQuery.)
See Also