What would be the best way to implement a rotating banner (full page width) that displays the correct image variant (Desktop, Tablet or Mobile) based on viewport?My initial thought was to define a ...
dear sir salam alikom i have kentico 5.5 and i need to use Images-SliderV2.0-kentico CMS5.5R2 but the problem that we cant add url to the image in this web part so if can anyone help me to add u...
Is there an image slider web part that supports touch screen, i.e., On a touch enabled device you can use your finger to swipe, or simply click and drag your mouse in a swiping motion and auto swip...
I have downloaded and installed the camera slider app and inserted through the site. All files are inserted correctly. I have added the image folder to the content tree and set the camera slider pa...
How can i add thumbnail for image slider
This article gives you instructions on how to slide your images with optional HTML content