No, not that I know of. But the process is pretty simple. Add the bxslider .js and .css files to the page. Set a repeater up to list out the doc types you want to use the slider on. Initialize the slider on the page you have your slider on. The link I provided above shows a really simple way to implement it.
One thing I highly recommend is using Kentico Best Practices and storing the files in their correct place. For instance when you save the bxslider.js file, go to Site Manager>Development>JS Files and store it in a folder with the same name as your website code name under the Custom folder. Then link to it like so <script src="/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?scriptfile=/CMSScripts/Custom/SiteCodeName/bxslider.js"></script>
using the javascript webpart on your particular page. I'll typically include the initialization javascript in this webpart as well directly after I include the script file.
What I do with my stylesheets is add them in the Site Manager>Development>CSS Stylesheets as a new stylesheet and link to them using the same HEAD HTML code webpart like so <link href="/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?stylesheetname=CSSCodeName" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
. This allows me to use all the out of the box functionality and still have great control of the content.
One other thing to note, is you will need to modify the jQuery a bit on the bxslider initialization because you cannot use the $ selector. On the example page, simply change $ -> jQuery and you'll be set.