Hi,I'm running into some issues when deploying our Kentico 13 admin site to IIS 10 running on Windows Server 2019. Everything works fine on my local machine; both the live site and the CMS bootup f...
Hey, I am running Kentico 13.0.90 using IIS10 and ASP .NET Core. I have created a new form on my site and when i submit this form it is giving the error 'Submission has failed. Please try again lat...
Hey, I am running Kentico 13 with ASP .NET Core and IIS 10.I am having an issue where users are trying to hyperlink emails using the default text editor. When they put the 'mailto:email@email.com' ...
HeyI am running Kentico 13, IIS10 and ASP .NET COREI am having issues with a content user today where they tried to add an image to the default kentico rich text widget. It displayed the two errors...
Hey,We have a B grading on our websites on securityheaders.com. We are missing the Content-Security-Policy and X-Frame-Options. We tried adding X-Frame-Options to the front end before and this brok...
Hey,I am runninbg Kentio v13.0.101 using MVC5 and IIS10.I am having an issue on our site where when we select an image/navigate in the media library from the Pages application it causes an error to...
Hey, I have a couple of sites in kentico 13 that all have default kentico forms. Recently we done an audit and relised that kentico default forms dont have any prevention for users entering certain...
Hey, I have a quick query for ASP .net core applications running on IIS10.For the application pools of the site i have the admin running .NET CLR Version 4.0 and the front end on No Managed Code.Is...
Hey,I am running Kentico 13.0.83 using ASP .NET CORE and IIS 10.I have been having issues with the base kentico forms on my website and i wanted to see if there is anyone that is experiencing this ...
Hi,I have a Kentico 13.0.70 on IIS 10 using ASP .NET Core.I am having issues folling the content in this link https://docs.xperience.io/configuring-xperience/data-protection/gdpr-compliance/impleme...