I have created a page type (blog) with some fields in those fields i have one text field (BlogCategory) and for user control, I have made it as a dropdown and the dropdown values I am fetching from...
Hey, I have built up a custom table with a list of country alias' and would like to loop through the table to check it against a variable I have available. I get the country alias from the custom t...
hello dev i want check if field is empty in xml/text transformation but ist not work{% IfEmpty(JobLink, @@ ,@@a href=@+ JobLink() +@ class=@news@@view this job @/a@@i class=@fa fa-angle-right@@@/i...
HIToday i am playing around the advanced workflow. I think about how it is possible to made condition based on online payment result.say we let live site user to create a new document and save it.a...
Hello,Can you tell me how to make some controls visible/invisible to a specific roles? I have custom field in users table CV and Meta File uploader control. I want it to show only for specific role...
I'm trying to add a filter to a document list. I've modified my code from a version 6 install to run under 8 and it seems fine until the filter is applied. Looking that the error it seems that gene...