Results for tag comparison
  • How Compare For Kentico Works - Part 3
    Brian McKeiver    —       —    Article

    This is the third part of the How Compare For Kentico Works blog post series. Make sure that read part 2 first before reading this post. In this third post I show you how to use the final output of the comparison and give you examples of how my team at BizStream uses the tool.

    Keep reading to find out how you can cut your deployment time, be more confident that the deployment actually worked, and keep some of your own sanity intact when it comes to moving changes from one environment to the next.


  • How Compare For Kentico Works - Part 2
    Brian McKeiver    —       —    Article

    his is the second part of the How Compare For Kentico Works blog post series. Make sure that you read part 1 first befor reading this post. In this second post we skip by the how and why, and move right in to guts of using Compare for Kentico. We will also walk through how to use the tool to focus in on the differences that really matter.

    Keep reading to find out how you can cut your deployment time, be more confident that the deployment actually worked, and keep some of your own sanity intact when it comes to moving changes from one environment to the next.

  • How Compare For Kentico Works - Part 1
    Brian McKeiver    —       —    Article

    This past week BizStream launched a new product targeted at Kentico developers, Compare for Kentico. We have been very excited to do so because we believe that Compare for Kentico makes Kentico deployments easier, quicker, and more accurate. We strongly believe this because we have been using the tool internally for quite some time. In fact we have had almost a year to take this tool from a concept, and cobbled together set of functionality, to production worthy. We started with using it on just a few test sites, and are now happily using it to make deployments easier on our client's sites. Our development team loves it, and we think you will too.

    With that being said my goal of this blog post is to do a deep dive on using Compare for Kentico to visually compare two different Kentico website instances to show you how it actually works. Keep reading to find out how you can cut your deployment time, be more confident that the deployment actually worked, and keeping some of your own sanity intact when it comes to moving changes from one environment to the next.

  • e-commerce item comparison
    Mehrdad ilchizadeh    —       —    Question

    Hi,Is there any thoughts on creating a product comparison feature in Kentico CMS?(I.e., an initial webpart containing a checklist for each data-item and a compare button, and a second webpart picki...

  • Date comparison with multilingual website
    Ger Vang    —       —    Question

    I want to show a webpart during a certain month such as 2/1/2015 - 2/28/2015. I'm using this code in the visibility to show or hide the webpart:ex: CurrentDate is = 1/9/2015if(CurrentDate @= @2-1-...

  • e-commerce item comparison
    Reza Zareian Fard    —       —    Question

    Hi there, I'm wondering to know if there is any webpart or module that we can use for comparing product items? For example if I have two products with the same document type I want to be able to co...

  • File system based reads vs. a simple database query?
    John B    —       —   

    A CMS we use called Kentico stores Media Library Files on the file system, and also stores a record in the database for file meta data (title, description, etc.). When you use a Media Library cont...