• Kentico MVC e-commerce notification not sending
    Question Jul 7, 2020
    Hi i have a Kentico 12 MVC e-com project, everything work well. The only problem that i have is the notification. If the admin/cms is not open in a browser, the notification doesnt send. as soon i open the admin and make a transaction or send a form via the website all the not...

  • GetExternalLoginInfoAsync() always return null.
    Question Sep 22, 2020
    I have used Kentico's code from External authentication on MVC sites. ExternalLoginInfo loginInfo = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(); code is always return null.

  • Task Scheduler error : The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
    Question Jan 25, 2021
    I am getting 403 forbidden error repetedly from scheduler in production environment (Azure). Message: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. Exception type: System.Net.WebException Stack trace: at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebReque...

  • Kentico Smart Search Relevance Score
    Question Jan 29, 2021
    How is Kentico smart search relevance score determined? I've had a client ask me this and after a bit of research I can't find much answers.

  • Indexing Error - Smart Search
    Question Oct 4, 2021
    Hi, We are currently receiving a error on our website related to the smart search index. It started happening randomly on friday. The index gets stuck on Batch 20 and goes into a infiniti loop when rebuilding. The index error: ![Image Text](https://i.ibb.co/f8BRGwn/error...

  • RE:Anyone manage to get MVC 3 working with Kentico 6?
    Forum Post Sep 3, 2012
    It only sort of works. I got past the 404's by modifying CMCHttpApplication: public void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Azure Application start init AzureInit.Current.ApplicationStartInit(); CMSAppBase.CMSApplicat...

  • Working on deployment solution for ASP.NET apps - need your advice
    Forum Post Feb 20, 2013
    Hi guys, I'm working on Appveyor - deployment automation solution for ASP.NET apps. It is very cool for deploying CMS websites as it has a built-in support for migrating SQL databases, especially big ones. It can deploy to your own servers, Azure or AWS. We have thorough...

  • Content entry trouble with a single site with multiple web front ends and a single db.
    Forum Post Sep 7, 2013
    Hi Kentico Team- We do a lot of Kentico work, and we've seen the same problem in two scenarios -- with multiple load balanced Azure web roles sharing a single DB and multiple physical load balanced servers sharing a single DB. When entering information in CMSdesk, we can'...

  • RE:Stream file from content tree
    Forum Post Nov 25, 2013
    Hi, We are using Aspose automation for Word documents, therefore, we wish to place word document templates in the Kentico content tree (as legal document templates). Aspose then allows us to manipulate the templates via mail merge and document translation to PDF et. ...

  • RE:Azure - Installation external services fails
    Forum Post Nov 29, 2013
    Hello Filip, No errors in the event viewer and SchedulerService.exe is there. I tried to execute the installutil command from the command prompt on the worker role instance (remote desktop). I added the /ShowCallStack property. It comes with the following error: Affecte...

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