Announcing Version 7 Training and Certification!
Are you ready for Version 7? I am happy to announce that starting October 2012, that both the Kentico CMS Certified Training and the Kentico CMS Certified Developer Training has been updated for Version 7.
I am attending Kentico CMS Certified Training in October, what does this announcement mean?
For students attending any Kentico CMS Certified Training class beginning October 2012, all training materials, course demonstrations, and hands on labs will use Kentico CMS 7.
Can I take the Kentico CMS 7 Certified Developer Exam?
Absolutely, we are anticipating that the Kentico CMS 7 Certified Developer Exam will be available being October 5 and will replace the current Kentico CMS Certified 6 Developer exam. Current certified developers and Kentico Certified and Gold Partners will be provided a no-cost vouchers to upgrade their current certification.
What can I expect with the Kentico CMS 7 Exam?
The Kentico CMS Certified Developer Exam is designed to test the knowledge and practical experience of Kentico CMS developers who have designed, developed and implemented multiple Kentico CMS 6 and 7 websites. The Kentico CMS Certified Developer exam consists of 50 questions to be completed in 60 minutes. In order to receive the Kentico CMS Certified Developer Certification for Kentico CMS Version 7, a minimum score of 70% is required. This is an open book test - during the exam students are able to use available online resources and Kentico CMS documentation.
Questions are randomly taken from the following product and technology categories.
Kentico CMS Application programming interface (API) |
General Kentico CMS knowledge |
Intranet development |
Kentico CMS Document types |
Kentico CMS E-Commerce |
Kentico Enterprise Marketing Solution (EMS) |
Kentico CMS repository storage |
Using Macro expressions with Kentico CMS |
Representational State Transfer (REST) Services with Kentico CMS |
Kentico CMS Page templates |
Kentico CMS system management |
Kentico CMS System integration bus |
Using transformations with Kentico CMS |
Workflow and versioning |
Web.Config parameters with Kentico CMS |
Security with Kentico CMS |
Using web parts/widgets with Kentico CMS |
Windows Azure and Kentico CMS |
How can I get ready for the Kentico CMS 7 exam?
Practical experience is always the best experience! Download, install and work with Kentico CMS 7 is the best experience for any developer who wishes to take the exam. In addition to the standard documentation, in early October Kentico will provide a certification guide that can be used as a supplemental guide for the exam.